vendredi 25 octobre 2013


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News and Prayer for the Persecuted

Malaysian Prime Minister Tries to Calm Rising Fears of Christian Persecution
10/24/2013 Malaysia (UCANews)

On Monday at a political "congress", Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Tun Razak attempted to calm concerns faced by the nearly 3 million Christians in Malaysia after a court ruling banned the use of the Arabic word for God, "Allah", from being used by non-Muslims. The Prime Minister said Christians could continue to use the word and that Malay language Bibles which use the term would not be banned.

  • Praise God that the 2.3 million Christians in Malaysia will be able to continue to use the word "Allah" for God 
  • Pray that Malaysia will support Christians in the continual use of the word "Allah" for God 
Iran: Four Christians Sentenced to 80 Lashes for Drinking Communion Wine

10/23/2013 Iran (ICN)
An Iranian court has sentenced four Christians to be whipped as a result of drinking wine during the Lord's Supper. The four Christians have a limited timeframe to appeal the sentence. This step is just the latest in a long line of abuses of basic rights to religious freedom in Iran.

  • Pray that the four Christians will be able to appeal the sentence in time and the appeal would be successful
  • Pray for courage and perseverance for the Christians during this time
  • Pray that this story will create international attention about the suppression of religious freedom in Iran

Christianity 'Under Attack' in Eastern Kenya
10/23/2013 Kenya (The Standard)

Tensions between Muslims and Christians along Kenya's coast have historically remained hidden beneath the surface of the region's mixed culture, with antagonism only surfacing at infrequent intervals. However recent events have reignited these tensions after a radical Imam with suspected al-Shabaab ties was found dead two weeks ago. Since then, a Christian church has been burned and two pastors assassinated.

  • Pray for peace and safety for the families of the two pastors assassinated
  • Pray that the victims of the church attack will be strengthened and grow in their faith during this time
  • Pray for the safety and protection of Christians in Kenya 

Muslims and Christians Rally Together Against Persecution in Pakistan 
10/22/2013 Pakistan (Ecumenical News)

One month ago, over 100 Christians were killed in a twin suicide attack on All Saints Church in Pakistan's northwestern city of Peshawar. This attack marks the single most deadly attack on Christians in Pakistan's history.  Outside of a church in Lahore, Christians and Muslims together demonstrated against religious intolerance by forming a human chain around the church while mass was being conducted inside. 

  • Pray for the spiritual healing and comfort for the families of the victims of the twin suicide attacks
  • Pray for the success of movements such as this in Pakistan and hope for a brighter future for Christians living there 

Egypt: Gunmen Open Fire on Coptic Christian Wedding in Cairo
10/21/2013 Egypt (BBC) 

Three people were killed in a drive-by shooting at a wedding outside a Coptic Church in Giza, just outside of Cairo. Gunmen on motorcycles drove by as the wedding party moved outside and opened fire on the crowd, killing three and wounding at least nine others. This is the latest in the surge of violence against Christians since the removal of Islamist president Mohammed Morsi in July. 
  • Pray for the peace and comfort for the families of the three murdered during the drive-by shooting
  • Pray for the quick and full recovery of the nine injured during the drive-by shooting
  • Pray for peace in Egypt 

Christian Pastor's Wife: Obama Asked Rouhani to Release My Husband
10/17/2013 Iran (ICHRI)

The wife of Iranian-American pastor Saeed Abedini who has been sentenced to eight years in prison, said that during the September 27 telephone conversation between Barack Obama and Hassan Rouhani, the release of her husband was discussed. Saeed's case is one of the most visible of the many human rights abuses committed by the Iranian regime, which works to silence views contrary to its own both politically, and, as in Saeed's case, religiously.

  • Pray that Obama would be successful in releasing Saeed Abedini along with two other American citizens in Iran's prison  
  • Pray that God would use what was intended for harm to raise up a nation of believers
  • Pray that God's strength and light would prevail over Saeed and his family   

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