Posted: 28 Mar 2013
About a language called Serbo-Croat
It is a Slavic language,related to Russian,and the native language of the peoples of Serbia,Croatia,Montenegro(
It was the official language of Yugoslavia before its dissolution,and is today spoken by 19 million people.
Ivo Andric(1892-1975),the Greatest Writer in the Serb-Croat Language,wrote about the Devshirme and the Drina Bridge
He was a Croat born and raised in Bosnia.He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1961 and grew up in Visegrad.His masterpiece is “The Bridge over the Drina”,for which he won the Nobel.
The novel narrates about a famous bridge there and the 400 years of history of the Muslims and Christians of the Bosnian area from the Ottoman Empire till the Austro-Hunagarian Empire.It begins with a little Christian boy taken from his mother and who later becomes Sokollu Mehmed Pasha. He was taken away because of the devshirme system of the Ottoman Muslims.
What is the Devshirme System?
This is a system that lasted in essence for 300 years,from 1330-1630 and where:
1.Every year or every several years thousands of children were stolen by Turkish-Muslim officials from Christian parents,usually from ages 8-12.If the parents were against it they were killed.
2.The number of children stolen was at least 500,000,others put it at 1 million.
3.The children were forced to become Muslim(they were forcefully circumcised) and to learn Turkish.
4.The great majority became soldiers of the Sultan,the janissaries and they had to fight for him.
5.A very small number of the most intelligent were trained to become administrators,even viz
6.For a very long time janissaries were not allowed to marry,then,when they were given the right,the devshirme became more and more hereditary,the new janissaries being the children of janissaries and not Christian children stolen by the Muslims.

1.His real name was Bajica or Bajo Nenadić.
2.He was born of Christian parents,a modest shepherd family, in what is now Bosnia,in the town of Sokol.
3.He was taken from his parents in 1516(at age 10) because of the devshirme system.He rose in position and became commander of the imperial guard (1543–1546), High Admiral of the Fleet (1546–1551), Governor-General of Rumelia (1551–1555), Third Vizier (1555–1561), Second Vizier (1561–1565) and then Grand Vizier for 14 years (1565–1579) under three Sultans: Suleiman the Magnificent, Selim II, and Murad III.
4.Sokollu Mehmed Pasha married Sultan Suleiman’s granddaughter,the daughter of the future Sultan Selim II in 1562.
5.He is also known for installing some relatives into important positions,his nephew was made the Orthodox Christian Patriarch of Peć in 1575,and when the nephew died it was occupied by another nephew,Gerasim Sokolović.
6.He was assassinated in 1579.A mentally unstable dervish(a Sufi who lives in great austerity) demanded to see the Grand Vizier. Sokollu Mehmed Paşa allowed the dervish to enter his room and the dervish took out a knife and stabbed him.
5.He is also known for installing some relatives into important positions,his nephew was made the Orthodox Christian Patriarch of Peć in 1575,and when the nephew died it was occupied by another nephew,Gerasim Sokolović.
The most famous monument related to Sokollu Mehmed Pasha
It is a bridge in Visegrad,Bosnia which has 11 arches and was built in 1577 by the famous Sinan.It crosses over the Drina river.
Who was Sinan(1490-1588)?
He was greatest architect of Ottoman history and was,it seems,Armenian.And like Sokollul Mehmed,he was taken from his family due to the devshirme system.
To know more:
“Sinan,the Greatest Architect of all Time of the Ottoman Empire,was a Christian who at 21 was Forced to become a Muslim”
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