mardi 9 octobre 2012


Dear Jean-Pierre Pagès-Schweitzer,

It's that time of year when we collect Special Blessings gifts to deliver to children in need. 

ICC operates three orphanages in Burma and India. In Burma, thousands of children have lost their parents in a war meant to drive Christians from the land. ICC has been caring for children like these. We hope you will join us in bringing a smile to their faces this Christmas. 

This year, we want to give you the opportunity to bring joy to these orphans by packing a shoebox full of gifts that will be delivered by ICC. This is a chance for you and your whole family to get involved in a tangible gift that will be delivered to the children of the persecuted Church, and also a great opportunity to teach your children the value of giving. 
How to Pack Your Shoebox
1. Purchase items from the wish list below and fill a standard size shoebox.

2. Download the gift order form here. Include your contact information and gift estimation cost (if desired) for receipting purposes. 

3. Enclose your $7 check (or credit card information) for shipping, and your gift order form in your shoebox. 

4. Mail your shoebox to ICC:
PO BOX 8056
Silver Spring, MD 20907

What to Pack
____ small stuffed animal 
____ kid-size clothes, pajamas, and socks
____ comb or hairbrush
____ toothbrush (not toothpaste) 

____ your contact and gift information for receipting purposes 
____ $7 donation for overseas shipping

Volunteer with Us!
If you're part of a church or school in the D.C. metro area that would like to adopt this project, please contact ICC about serving as a drop-off location. 

We are also looking for volunteers to help in our office! If interested, please contact:

Thank you for partnering with us during this Christmas season!

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