lundi 25 avril 2011


Happy St George's Day!

Today is the day that we celebrate the legacy of St George.

It is a day to be proud of our country and of our heritage.
And it is a day in which everyone, of all colours and creeds, is invited to a celebration of all that is great about England.

It is a day in which we should remember that we are all united under one flag, whoever we are, and wherever we come from. It doesn’t matter what your ethnicity, your religion, your social class, your sexuality, or your politics – as long as you’re proud of this country and think of it as home, then St George’s Day belongs to you.

In the past, flying the flag of St George has been vilified, or even branded as offensive. This is nonsense. It’s only offensive to those who reject this country’s ideals, our democracy, and the freedoms that we so often take for granted. We call on all of the people of England to reject this intolerance and to fly their flags proudly. Please, enjoy this day of unity and celebration, and invite others to join with you if you can. If our nation’s flag has been abused in the past, then it is up to us to show that it shouldn’t be regarded as a symbol of division. In fact, the flag of St George should be symbolic of the need to create a sense of shared national identity that is open to all.

One people. One flag. And one law for all.

We’ve come a long way, and the English Defence League has been an important part of that change. We should not be ashamed; we should not be bowed into silence. Whatever our faith, we should remember the example of St George. He refused to denounce his beliefs, and stood up for what he believed in. Today there are still dragons to slay, but there is no reason why we can’t still take the time to celebrate.

In Luton, Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll are hosting a BBQ.

We hope that you too are able to take the time to celebrate with family and friends, and that you’ll be flying your flags high.

Happy St George’s Day everyone.


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