Selon un récent rapport, 60% des écoles pour musulmans au Royaume-uni sont sous l’influence d’extrémistes potentiellement dangereux.
Le rapport pointe du doigt l’enseignement dans ces écoles de croyances “répugnantes”, de haine de l’Occident et de haine des juifs.
Les rédacteurs, conscient qu’ils allaient faire l’objet des rituelles accusations «d’islamophobie», ont pris soin de présenter à l’appui du rapport toutes les preuves collectées.
Le rapport s’alarme également de voir que toutes les écoles islamiques, même celles qui n’ont pas de liens avérés avec des formations extrêmistes, enferment leurs élèves derrière un rempart d’injonctions religieuses strictes et de lois coraniques [n'est-ce pas Madame Lagarde] :
“le but de cet enseignement n’est pas de préparer les élèves à vivre dans un monde ouvert mais à leur donner les outils d’une existence recluse à l’intérieur d’enclaves musulmanes”.
Toujours selon ce rapport, le nombre de ces écoles augmente rapidement (127 écoles à plein temps, 700 à temps partiel etc…).
Beaucoup d’entre elles recréent en Grande-Bretagne une stricte copie, à la fois en termes de contenu et de style d’enseignement, de ce que l’on trouve au Pakistan, au Bangladesh ou en Inde.
Et avec le consentement implicite des autorités, de l’éducation nationale et des leaders chrétiens, qui refusent de voir le caractère pernicieux et violemment anti-chrétien de ces écoles.
December 16, 2008 by BNP News
Virtually all the growth in new jobs in the last seven years has been accounted for by migrants, according to a study just released by Migrationwatch UK.
There are 1.34 million more people in work now than in 2001 but the number of UK-born workers in employment has actually fallen by 62,000 over the same period.
In contrast there has been a significant surge in the number of migrant workers in employment — including almost half a million more Eastern Europeans, the study shows.
Sir Andrew Green, chairman of Migrationwatch, said: “From an immigration point of view this means that migration from Eastern Europe is moving into balance as we have been predicting but, from the point of view of British born workers, the damage to their prospects has already been done — at a time when jobs of almost all kinds are at a premium.
“This must have been staring the government in the face for a long time yet even last month they described the East European migrants as “helping to fill gaps in the labour market.
Rather than coming clean about the effect of massive immigration on the prospects of British born workers they have been spinning the statistics and camouflaging the true position with ‘tough talk’ about immigration.
“Now that the cat is out of the bag they cannot possibly lift such restrictions as now exist on Romanian and Bulgarian workers.”
In an analysis of the Government’s own figures, the study showed that between 2001 and 2008 employment in the UK grew by 1.342 million — made up of 253,000 more UK nationals in work and 1,087,000 more foreign workers in jobs.
But the UK nationals figure includes migrants who hold British citizenship.
When they are removed, the number of UK-born workers in employment actually fell by 62,000 over the period.
Of the growth in non-UK nationals in jobs, some 469,000 were from the so-called A8 Eastern European countries, including Poland and Slovakia, who joined the EU in 2004 and were granted full access to the British labour market.
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