vendredi 12 avril 2013


Long Island: Muslims terrorize synagogue until they cancel Geller event on sharia

Striking fear is what they do best, initiated by an imam on the so-called “Human Rights Commission.” That’s the bad news. via Pamela Geller Event at Great Neck Synagogue Cancelled: “The Synagogue is Unable to Bear the Burden.” – Atlas Shrugs.

Due to relentless intimidation, bullying and threats, the Great Neck Synagogue is cancelling my talk at the Great Neck Synagogue on Sunday.

 It is a very sad day for freedom-loving peoples when fascist tactics trump free speech.
Leftist goons, pushed and prodded by Islamic supremacist Habeeb Ahmed and his co-conspirators, threatened a march on the shul (among other things) on Sunday (imagine how terrorized the Sunday school children would be).
They win. Again.

The synagogue board could not take the extraordinary pressures and issued the following statement that, as the board said, while “these important issues must be discussed, the synagogue is unable to bear the burden.” The event is cancelled.
“As the notoriety and media exposure of the planned program this Sunday have increased, so has the legal liability and potential security exposure of our institution and it’s [sic] member families. In an era of heightened security concerns it is irresponsible to jeopardize the safety of those who call Great Neck Synagogue home, especially our children, even at the risk of diverting attention from a potentially important voice in the ongoing debate. Accordingly, the Great Neck Synagogue Men’s Club will no longer be sponsoring the appearance of Pamela Geller this coming Sunday, and no event will be taking place in our facility.”
Executive Board
Great Neck Synagogue

UPDATE: Spencer adds: “Note that they don’t say “We finally realized that Geller was just as bad as they say” or some such. They say: “In an era of heightened security concerns it is irresponsible to jeopardize the safety of those who call Great Neck Synagogue home, especially our children, even at the risk of diverting attention from a potentially important voice in the ongoing debate.” In other words, the Leftist and Islamic supremacist thugs made it clear that the synagogue would be in danger if the event went on. And so the goons know: make threats, issue smears, and decent people will cave. It is a terrible precedent for the future of the freedom of speech, and for America.”

Of note, the synagogue’s decision had to have been made on or around Holocaust Remembrance Day. History does repeat.

The good news. In an interview on the Trento show today Geller said two other synagogues stepped up to host her and she’ll be speaking at them on Sunday. If you are in the NYC metro area consider joining to support free speech and beat back the rapid encroachment of Islamic sharia law in the U.S. (fostered by Islamic jihad and the threat thereof). 

via Pamela Geller to Speak At Two Synagogues on Sunday

Two courageous and magnificent Rabbis have asked me to speak on Sunday. Rabbi Yoseph Geisinsky of the Chabad, Great Neck and Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg of Congregation Beth-El in Edison, New Jersey have both invited me to speak at their synagogues on Sunday — the same day I was scheduled to speak at the Great Neck Synagogue on Long Island until that synagogue caved to a leftist/Islamic supremacist smear and intimidation campaign.

Rabbi Geisinsky and Rabbi Rosenberg both extended the invitations to me personally this morning, and I commend them both for it. The cancellation by the Great Neck Synagogue was particularly craven and cowardly, as it sends the message that if leftists and Muslims defame those they hate loudly enough and for a long enough time, they will succeed in getting them silenced. But in contrast to that unconscionable self-imposed dhimmitude, both of these Rabbis are standing up for the freedom of speech and the defense of the Jewish people. They’re saying no to thuggery and pressure tactics. Above all, they’re standing up for the truth.

They’re doing what all free people should be doing. The Jewish people must stand up. The Jewish people must have the will to speak against annihilationist rhetoric. History is proof that fear and capitulation are a recipe for disaster.


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