vendredi 9 novembre 2012


Arizona: Muslim family given probation for brutal ‘honor beatings’ of daughter

Laws are now applied differently in the United States, Phoenix in particular. via Family gets probation for ‘honor beating’ of daughter | Phoenix.

PHOENIX — An Iraqi family arrested for beating their teenage daughter will be spending the next two years on probation.

On Tuesday, Yusra Farhan was given two years supervised probation with domestic violence terms for unlawful imprisonment, while Mohammed Altameemi received two years of supervised probation with domestic violence terms for disorderly conduct.

The couple’s other daughter, Tabarak Altameemi, also received two years supervised probation with domestic violence terms for assault.

Aiya Altameemi’s family was arrested back in February after Aiya told counselors at her school that she had beaten for talking to a boy.

Aiya said her father had cut her lower neck, while her mother had her sisters hold her down as she taped Aiya’s mouth and bound her hands and body with rope.

During their investigation, police discovered that last November Tabarak had held Aiya down while Farhan burned Aiya on her face and chest with a hot spoon. 

The family was said to be upset because Aiya wanted out of an arranged marriage with a 38-year-old man.
Despite the abuse, Aiya has defended her family by claiming that their behavior is acceptable in Iraqi culture.

Farhan, Mohammed and Tabarak all entered guilty pleas in the case in early October.

Expect more Islamic honor beatings and killings in the U.S. as the open door to third world immigrants remains wide open. Like in Europe, when they reach a certain mass, they will start targeting non-Muslims. Particularly young girls. And judges like this will do nothing.

Arizona: Iraqi mother arrested – beat daughter for violating Islamic religion
Phoenix: Muslim family ‘honor beat’ & threatened to kill daughter with learning disability

Arizona: Iraqi mother arrested – beat daughter for violating Islamic religion

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