lundi 22 octobre 2012


Posted: 19 Oct 2012 

The Koran
Suppose Hindus and Christians believed:
1.That the Hindu Scriptures or NT were literally 100% God’s words,not a single word from a human.
2.That the Hindu Scriptures or NT said explicitely that nobody could alter or change the words of the text.
3.And that Hindus and Christians believe their text had been 100% preserved,that no human’s words have been added.
If you were to find a part in the Hindu Scriptures or NT where it is the words of a human being then you can say to me:
“Look,this shows the text is not the word of God,human words have been added.So I reject your religion.”
The case of chapter 27:91-92:
I have read all of chapter 27 and I know that about 300 times the Koran has the word “say” followed by something from Allah.

So at first we have
Chapter  27:89-90:
” Those who bring good works will receive far better rewards, and they will be perfectly secure from the horrors of that day.  As for those who bring evil works, they will be forced into Hell. Do you not get requited for what you did? ”
The it changes from Allah’s words to Muhammad’s
There above it is Allah speaking,obviously but then in chapter 27:91-92 we have a human’s words,in fact,those of Muhammad:
The text of chapter 27:91-92“
I  (Note:I,Muhammad ) am simply commanded to worship the Lord
(Note: Reb in Arabic,that is to say Allah) of this town.
He (Note:he,Allah) has made it a safe sanctuary  and he(Note:he,Allah)possesses all things.
I (Note:I,Muhammad) am commanded to be a submitter. And to recite the Koran.
And to recite the Quran. ”
The it changes back to Allah talking
Chapter 27:92-93:
“Whoever is guided is guided for his own good, and if they go astray, then say (Note: you,Muhammad,say ):
 ”I (Note:Muhammad) am simply a warner.”
And  say (Note: you,Muhammad,say ):
“Praise be to Allah; He will show you His proofs, until you recognize them. Your Lord is never unaware of anything you do.”"
To repeat
Notice chapter 27:91-92 begins as ” I am simply commanded to worship the Lord…” It is not logical for God to say he has been ordered by anybody to worship God.
To verify you can go to which has:
1.Six translations by Muslims.
2.Four translations by Non-Muslims.
3.The text in Arabic,with Latin letters.


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