vendredi 19 octobre 2012


News and Prayer for the Persecuted
October 19, 2012
ICC's Mobile App Available for Download!
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Christian Persecution Laws on the Rise in Uzbekistan
10/17/2012 Uzbekistan (Mission Network News)
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In Uzbekistan, the laws that weigh on Christians seem to be consistently increasing. Currently, any citizen is only allowed to have one Bible. Any more than that, a person is considered a missionary and risks up to five years in jail. This singular Bible is required to be in Russian. Churches must also teach in Russian. Because those of the younger generation only learn Uzbek and English, it is only a matter of a very short time before they have no access to the Gospel in their own language.
Pray for the safety of missionaries and church leaders in Uzbekistan.
Pray that the Gospel will spread and that Christian followers will multiply in Uzbekistan, in spite of the oppressive laws.
Pray for Christians, and those sympathetic to Christianity, to become leaders in Uzbekistan’s government.
Iran Church Fears Detained Members Are Tortured
10/18/2012 Iran (Worthy News)
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Nearly 400 evangelical Protestant Christians have been detained this month in Iran. Christians detained in prison are tortured into confessing of crimes against the government. They are considered political opponents, and are tried as such. However, their court hearings are often not held until after authorities have obtained their tortured and false confessions. “Everyone who is not a Shia Muslim is considered a political opponent,” said Church of Iran council member Firouz Khandjani. Iranian officials continue to deny innocent Christians are being detained in prison and often describe them as “criminals” who are “threatening security.” 

Pray that Christians will not be discouraged amidst the persecution and that they will continue to spread the Gospel in Iran.
Pray for the strength and peace of those who are detained and tortured.
Pray for peace to come to this area so that the Gospel may be safely shared among the people.
Christian Woman Abducted, Forcibly Converted to Islam in Pakistan 
10/16/2012 Pakistan (International Christian Concern)
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Shamaila Bibi is just one among hundreds of Christian women and girls in Pakistan to be kidnapped and tortured into converting to Islam over the past several years. Shamaila was on her way home from work when her kidnapper forced her to go with him. Being a devout Christian who remained faithful to her beliefs, she had shunned Muhammad Javaid Iqbal’s advances and his marriage proposal. So, he took her at gunpoint to a lawyer and drugged her. Once Shamaila was unconscious, Javaid obtained her thumbprint on documents that confirmed her marriage to him and legally converted her from Christianity to Islam. Shamaila was able to escape to her family’s home, but this has put her father at risk of imprisonment for kidnapping her from her actual kidnapper. Shamaila’s father will be defended in court by The National Commission for Justice and Peace, but because Pakistan’s judiciary favors Muslims, Shamaila will most likely be returned to Javaid.
Pray for Shamaila and her father, Mansha Masih, that the courts will rule in their favor against.
Pray for the safety of all Christian women and girls in Pakistan who risk being kidnapped and tortured for their beliefs.
Pray that those who have already been kidnapped and are brave enough to run away will find safety from their captors.
Christian Village Ravaged in Attempted Kidnapping of Christian Woman 
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The village of Abdelmassih in Deir Mawas was attacked by Ali Hussein, a Muslim gang leader, and 120 of his men last Sunday. They arrived at the village with the intention of kidnapping Coptic Christian Hiyam Zaki Zaher and forcing her into marriage with Hussein. When the men arrived, they went to the village stables and killed all the animals. They then went to Zaher’s home to demand her return, but her family had already snuck her out to a safe location. Hussein’s men then shot and killed Zaher’s father and wounded three others on the roof of the family’s home. Hussein himself was also killed in the gun battle, though no one knows who shot him. His gang is demanding revenge for the Christian killing of a Muslim.
Pray for the perseverance of Coptic Christians in Egypt who are in constant fear of this sort of tragedy.
Pray for the persecution to end and for Christians to live peaceably in their own villages in Egypt.
Pray that in spite of persecution the Gospel would spread throughout the land of Egypt.
Christian Freedoms Threatened All Over Asia
10/17/2012 Asia (UCA News)
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A recent report by the Catholic Church highlighted the many ways in which threats to Christian freedoms have increased throughout Asia in the past year. Two top Pakistani politicians who opposed strict blasphemy laws were killed. Vietnam is promoting patriotic religious groups in opposition to the Church. North Korea continues to deny any form of religious freedom. And, India continues to enforce anti-conversion laws as attacks on minorities continue to rise.
Pray for the Gospel to be spread throughout Asia, including the Middle East.
Pray for an increase in leaders who are in favor of religious liberty in the Asian countries.
Pray for the safety and the wisdom of those who work to spread the Gospel in such hostile areas as Pakistan, North Korea, and India.
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