dimanche 18 septembre 2011


The “moderate” imam originally behind the Ground Zero Mosque, Feisal Abdul Rauf, says he likes free speech—unless it is against Islam or Mohammed.

In that case, those hate-mongering Islamophobes need to be punished!

The Traditional Values Coalition is bringing attention to this quote (video at the link):

“I believe that the insulting or mocking of others’ religious symbols, icons, prophets, etc. should not fall within the realm of free speech.

Mocking people, insulting people, uh, I think, falls almost into the arena of um, libel.”

In other words, critics of Islam, including those that leave the faith and speak out against it, should be sued or prosecuted.

And even those who do not criticize Islam as a whole, such as myself, should be worried. How many times have CAIR and similar organizations accuse those that say “Islamist” or “radical Islam” of insulting their religion?

Freedom of speech, which includes the right to offend, is a foundation of America.

Advocates of Sharia-based governance inevitably have to attack this freedom because a Sharia state bans criticism of Islam, along with many other things.

If Rauf had his way, his critics would be silenced and America would be brought into closer compliance with Sharia-based governance.


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