mardi 20 septembre 2011

The Global Sharia Movement: Brought to you by…

(This post is from Mablung of YouTube Smackdown – I’m just helping out by posting it here for them!)

Yeah, you guessed it.

The global sharia movement is brought right into your home by Google, via its popular YouTube video service.

Meet GlobalShariahGroups.

Here is some ASCII art from this profile:

“We support peace, but we are fighting for sharia law”, through dawa and jihad they add. I am sure that’s the peaceful inner struggle type jihad, right?

This profile is a hub for the sharia promoting community on YouTube.

Some of the affiliated youtube channels include:

Here are a just a few more members of the vibrant YouTube sharia supporting community:






I can’t make what this community stands for any more clear than this YouTube e-hadi:

Next time you click on a Google ad, just remember, YouTube provides FREE distribution services for the global sharia movement.


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