Sharia is already widely used in the Netherlands
by creepingsharia
A mostly understandable web translation of an opinion piece in, by Nahed Selim, a Muslim woman:
De sharia wordt in Nederland al volop toegepast
Whether that law in an area that is the description “sharia court” or not, makes little difference to me.
The point is that the Islamic rules on marriage, divorce, guardianship, custody, alimony and inheritance are according to Sharia law, while those rules do not comply with Dutch law.
It was my long been known that in some mosques and divorces – even polygamous marriages.
On September 19, 2008 The Times reported (under the heading “Polygamy is properly registered”) that 173 men are registered in Amsterdam with two legal wives. Two men even with three women. The same happens in other major cities. In this newspaper last year gave Mr. T. Verhoeven, spokesman for the municipality of Rotterdam, these are also increasing. According to him almost every week in Rotterdam polygamous marriages are registered.
Pity that the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) that data out again ever. Thus there are no official nationwide data on polygamy. (And that’s only the registered polygamy. The size of the unregistered polygamy is probably much larger.)
The same applies to marriages with underage girls. These are not usually, but sometimes registered and still does not exist according to CBS.
Actually we have two parallel legal systems for non-Muslims are forbidden, not imposed on Muslims. This is typical of the Dutch attitude towards the Islamization of Dutch society. Things happen, but the government knows nothing about it and want to know. They just throw the data away and then they’re gone.
Even if statements of imams in back rooms of mosques to be done with the consent of the faithful, I think that the Netherlands should not allow them. That Catholics and Jews also practice religious rules, as Berger suggests, up to them. According to their rules apostates and gay people are not likely to be beheaded and disobedient women are not beaten by their husbands. For everything in the Sharia discriminates against women: marry a non-Muslim is not allowed by the Sharia, should not divorce except with the consent of her husband. For its part, the man whenever he wants, the woman cast. Even a text message saying ‘you rejects me “is enough (according to the sharia court in Malaysia). But if the man within three months of the change of he may take back his ex-wife, three times. Parental authority is always the father, the mother may care for children, but he takes the decisions.
In Islamic countries there are thousands of divorce cases waiting more than ten years without a decision by the Sharia court. These are obviously separate applications from women. The men in most Muslim countries do not even need court approval.
For all these reasons I am against Sharia law in the Netherlands. According to Sharia, the woman only worth half a man. With an inheritance she gets half of what her brother gets. In her court testimony worth half that of a man.
So far we have come in the Netherlands. Mosques to make Sharia law should be closed. The minister claimed that there is no legal basis, but I think that there is indeed: the ruling of the European Court in Strasbourg (02/13/2003). That ruling states that Sharia law is contrary to the principles of democracy. The ruling stemmed from an appeal to the banned Turkish Refah party had brought against Turkey.
It seems to me strongly that the Netherlands, with this ruling in hand, not a few mosques can be banned, as they actually introduce the Sharia. The ruling by the European Court, over statements by Dutch courts.
The indulgence of politics with the fundamentalist Muslims to stop, even for the sake of moderate Muslims. The ghettos have not institutionalized by law to allow parallel.
And even if half the Muslims in the Netherlands in favor of such law, there is still one other half against it. This half is the best ally, because they are not hostile to the West and would like to live under the same laws as other citizens. Read websites such as “Muslims Against Sharia”, “Women Against Sharia ‘,’ Women Living Under Muslim laws’, “No-Sharia ‘,’ One law for all ‘and realize that people around the world compete for the yoke of Sharia to come.
If Muslims want to help you, help the right group and not the petrified fundamentalists who want future generations grow up in a misogynistic ideology.
That would be sharia. The point should be easy to grasp, but if any one has a better translation or corrections, leave a comment.
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