lundi 9 septembre 2013


Video: Stigmatizing Critics of Sharia and Jihad

via Stigmatizing Their Critics – An IPT Video Report  (cliquer pour vidéo, car "censure")

A segment in the Investigative Project on Terrorism’s new award-winning documentary “Jihad in America: The Grand Deception” focuses on Islamists and how they try to control public perception.
Part of it is by manipulating a lazy and gullible media. But another part is to shut down any criticism of Islamist ideology – the notion that society is best governed by Islamic law.
 During a recent panel discussion on the film, panelists – including two anti-Islamist Muslims – discussed the way phony accusations of “Islamophobia,” or bigotry, are used to stigmatize critics.
Even the left agrees Islamophobia is liberal bull (usually after Americans are killed by Muslim terrorists).


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