mercredi 24 avril 2013


The following article was written by Vanessa Cunningham.

The pain that animals face every day for product testing, crude curiosity-driven experiments, and deadly medical training exercises are completely horrifying and indefensible. Animals are not disposable laboratory tools, they are individuals just like us who want to be free and don't want to be forced to endure lives of pain and terror. Take a look at the faces of animal testing and see why we should end experimentation on animals.

Rats are not even considered animals under the federal Animal Welfare Act, even though rats and mice make up approximately 95 percent of the animals suffering in labs. 

This dog, named Brock, was purchased from a local shelter by the University of Utah to be used in experiments. 

This rabbit was tormented and mutilated by an experimenter at the University of Utah who attaches devices to the bones of rabbits and sheep. 

These two young chimpanzees were confined at SEMA, a notoriously cruel Maryland laboratory that PETA helped expose a quarter-century ago. 

This cat, named Double Trouble, endured invasive surgeries on her brain, ears, and skull at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

NJ, like Double Trouble, also had holes drilled into her head, a post screwed to her skull, and metal coils stitched to her eyes. 

These terrified monkeys are having experimental chemicals forced up their noses by employees at Covance, a private laboratory that other companies pay to conduct tests on animals.

In a crude experiment at the University of Utah, this cat, named Robert, had an electrode implanted into his brain. Following PETA's shocking undercover investigation at the school, Robert was released.

This rabbit had chemicals dripped into her eyes and rubbed on her bare skin in cruel product tests at a Biosearch laboratory.

These monkeys are a few of the thousands of monkeys imprisoned at the Oregon National Primate Research Center, which was the subject of a PETA undercover investigation.
YOU can help stop this cruelty. Take action to help end experimentation on animals TODAY!
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