lundi 22 avril 2013


Près de la moitié des taxis parisiens refusent les aveugles et leurs chiens

le Vendredi 19 Avril 2013 

D'après les tests réalisés par le Défenseur des droits, 43% des taxis parisiens refusent de prendre en charge des personnes aveugles accompagnées par leur chien, ce qui est interdit par la loi. 

 En cas de "nouveaux refus discriminatoires", Dominique Baudis menace de transmettre ses procès-verbaux au parquet "en vue de poursuites pénales". 


Manifestation en 2012 contre les problèmes d'accès aux transports pour les aveugles et leurs chiens guides © Maxppp

C'est à la suite d'une réclamation faite par un non-voyant guidé par son chien que les services du Défenseur des droits ont décidé de mener leur enquête. 

Les 20 et 21 mars dernier, ils ont testé une trentaine de taxis parisiens pour vérifier si les chauffeurs acceptaient de prendre en charge des personnes aveugles et leur compagnon à quatre pattes. Résultat : 43% des taxis ont refusé la course "du fait qu'ils n'acceptaient pas les chiens".

"Les textes sont pourtant clairs : ces refus sont interdits et pénalement répréhensibles", note Dominique Baudis. Le Défenseur des droits précise que si l'article 26 de l'arrêté relatif aux taxis parisiens permet "de refuser les voyageurs accompagnés d'animaux" mais pas "lorsqu'il s'agit d'aveugles avec leur chien guide".

"Le phénomène n'est pas isolé"

Si le nombre de taxis testés est très restreint, "le taux élevé de refus discriminatoires confirme que le phénomène n'est pas isolé", poursuit le Défenseur des droits. 

Pour le moment, la justice n'est pas saisie des cas répertoriés. Mais "si de nouveaux refus étaient constatés, les procès-verbaux établis seront transmis au procureur de la République en vue de poursuites pénales".


Un aveugle se plaint qu’on lui a refusé un service de taxi à Letchworth parce que le chauffeur musulman ne voulait pas que son chien-guide monte dans la voiture. 

Sean-dilleySean Dilley, 29 ans, résidant à Stevenage, était au Club de sports et de tennis de Letchworth à Muddy Lane avec son chien guide Chipp dimanche soir pour une démonstration de tennis par des aveugles.

Des amis avaient pris des arrangements pour qu’un taxi vienne le chercher après l’évènement et le ramène à la gare de Letchworth. Mais lorsque le chauffeur s’est présenté, peu après 19 heures, il a refusé de laisser Sean et Chipp monter dans la voiture. «Le conducteur a dit que je pouvais monter dans la voiture, mais pas mon chien, a déclaré Sean, aveugle depuis 15 ans. Il a expliqué que c'est parce qu'il est musulman. J'ai été horrifié. Ce genre de chose arrive très souvent et ce n'est pas acceptable.» La discussion entre Sean et le chauffeur a été filmée par un ami. Certains courants de l’islam enseigneraient que les chiens doivent être évités parce que leur salive est impure.

Sean est un journaliste indépendant et un correspondant parlementaire pour talkSPORT. L’année dernière, il a fait un film pour l’émission Daily Politics de la BBC, sur les entreprises et les restaurants qui refusent l’accès aux chiens guides.

Il a appelé la compagnie de taxi Taxis Gary pour se plaindre mais on lui a répondu que le chauffeur était dans son droit. Sean estime cependant que le chauffeur a enfreint la loi contre la discrimination en refusant de l’embarquer avec son chien, et il a signalé le cas à North Herts Council, qui octroie les permis de taxis dans le quartier.

«J'ai beaucoup d'énergie et je connais la loi, et pourtant je trouve cela épuisant de me battre contre ce genre de choses. Il doit y avoir beaucoup de personnes âgées ou vulnérables qui ne sont pas capables de se battre et qui endurent ces situations. Il est souvent difficile de prouver ce qui s’est passé, mais cette fois nous avons des preuves vidéos de ce qui s’est passé», a-t-il dit.

Source :  Muslim cab driver refuses guide dog in Letchworth, The Advertizer, 2 février 2012. Traduction par Poste de veill

Below are a number of Hadith on various aspects involving dogs. All Hadith are from the Sahih collections of Bukhari[1] and Muslim[2], or the Sunan of Abu Dawud[3]. After the Quran, Bukhari's set of Hadith are regarded to be the second most important books in Islam, followed closely by the Hadith of Muslim. I quote from these sources to prove that these Hadith are not just a few isolated or unsupported cases. I have sorted Muhammad's statements concerning dogs into 5 categories. All of these illustrate different facets of his beliefs regarding dogs.

From Bukhari Vol. 4, #540

Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar: Allah's Apostle ordered that the dogs should be killed.
From Abu Dawud #2839

Abd Allah B. Mughaffal reported the apostle of Allah as saying: Were dogs not a species of creature I should command that they all be killed; but kill every pure black one.
The Hadith's note for #2839 says, "The prophet did not order the killing of all the dogs, for some are to be retained for hunting and watching. He ordered to kill the jet black ones. They might be more mischievous among them.
From Muslim #3814
Ibn Mughaffal reported: Allah's messenger ordered the killing of dogs and then said, "what is the trouble with them (the people of Medina? How dogs are nuisances to them (the citizens of Medina)? He then permitted keeping of dogs for hunting and (the protection of) herds. ...[and for] for the protection of cultivated land.
From Muslim #Number 055
Ibn Mughaffal reported: The Messenger of Allah ordered killing of the dogs, and then said: What about them, i. e. about other dogs? and then granted concession (to keep) the dog for hunting and the dog for (the security) of the herd, and said: When the dog licks the utensil, wash it seven times, and rub it with earth the eighth time.
From Muslim #3813
Abu Zubair heard Jabir Abdullah saying: Allah's messenger ordered us to kill dogs and we carried out this order so much so that we also killed the dog roaming with a women from the desert. Then Allah's apostle forbade their killing. He said: "It is your duty to kill the jet-black (dog) having two spots (on the eyes) for it is a devil.
The note for #3814 says,
"The Hadith gives us an idea why the prophet commanded to kill dogs. There must have been an excess of stray dogs and thus the danger of rabies in the city of Medina and its suburbs. The prophet therefore ordered to kill them. Later on when it was found that his Companions were killing them indiscriminately, he forbade them to do so and told them that only the ferocious beasts which were a source of danger to life should be killed. The word "Devil" in the Hadith clarifies this point. Here devil stands for ferocious.

Apparently, poisoning dogs in Spain isn’t enough, now Muslims are attacking people walking their dogs

BNI has reported on the shocking rise in pet dog poisonings near Muslim areas of Europe and in Muslim-majority countries. 

Now, Muslim hatred of dogs has become violent, with several attacks on people walking their dogs in the park. 

When police arrive to help, they are attacked by Muslims, too.

(Photos below are of dogs allegedly poisoned/killed by Muslims)

AlertaDigital (H/T Susan K) reports that incidents of Muslim attacks on Spaniards is increasing, particularly in Catalonia and other parts of northeast Spain, where illegal Islamist immigration is reaching alarming levels. The Muslims are taking over previously tolerant and Westernized areas of Spain, even imposing their morality on the indigenous Spanish population.
Islam vs Europe The name Tarrasa should be familiar to those tracking the re-Mohammedanisation of Spain. It was there that parents recently wrote a public letter complaining their children were not allowed to eat ham sandwiches by their Muslim classmates. An imam in a local mosque famously told his flock to beat their disobedient wives. Now the Islamic sickness is spreading further. Spaniards are being harassed and beaten up for walking their dogs.
In a recent incident a 27-year-old man taking three dogs for a walk along with his 49-year-old mother was attacked by a mob of 25-30 Muslims from North Africa. ”We were there with the dogs and suddenly loads of Muslims appeared. They hit my son a lot and they shook me”. The police were called but the Muslims attacked them too and reinforcements had to be called in. Eventually, the police managed to get the family into a doorway and were able to protect them there.
“On Saturday night two Muslims [female] hit my niece. They attacked her because they want this plaza for themselves”. “They said daughter of a whore, bitch to her,” she adds because she was walking with an “impure animal”. 
There was a Muslim with a djellaba taking photos of the dogs and one of those who hit my niece”. “In an instant they touched us with the elbow and started ‘I’m going to kill this dog, it and the whole family, this plaza is ours’”.
“Then they appeared from all sides, the square filled with Muslims. They say the dog attacked them but the dogs didn’t attack anyone”, she insisted. “If they want – she added- let them show a jaw mark”.
“I’ll kill your dog, I’ll kill your dog, the dog and the whole family”, they were shouting. “All of them were punching and kicking us”, she adds. “They were choking my son, all of this is scratched, the arms, legs”. “And they were shaking me from all sides. On Monday it was if my skin was burnt”. 
The outcome of this brawl resulted in two officers injured and four (Muslims) detained. The attacked family turned to Alerta Digital to express their fear of reprisals from the Muslims. Even during the brawl, the Muslims threatened them with cutting their necks, all this in the presence of the officers, who were just looking numbly.





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