vendredi 21 décembre 2012


News and Prayer for the Persecuted
December 21, 2012
Download our FREE insider's report on Pakistan!

Pakistan continues to be one of the most dangerous places to be if you call yourself a Christian. Women are constantly targeted and defiled because of their gender and faith in Jesus.
In this report, Pakistan: Exposed, you will learn more about: 
  • Pakistan's murderous blasphemy laws
  • How Sharia law justifies the rape of Christian girls
Learn what the government and mainstream media won't tell you.
Christians in Somalia Gunned Down by Suspected al-Shabaab Militants
12/20/2012 Somalia (MorningStarNews)
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Two masked gunman shot a Christian convert from Islam in Somalia. After failing to attend prayers at the local mosque, militants began to suspect the Christian man of conversion. In Somalia, the extremist group al-Shabaab enforces a brutally strict version of Islamic law that calls for punishments such as stoning, cutting off hands and beheading. Individuals who are caught converting from Islam to Christianity are often executed by the group.     
Pray for the family of late Mursal Isse Siad. Pray that they would be comforted and supported in this difficult time.  Siad is survived by his wife and five children.
Pray for the conversion of Siad’s killers, that they would come to know Jesus. 
Pray for the faithful witness of Christians under the imminent threat of violence.
Christian Organization Petitions White House to Confront Boko Haram
12/20/2012 Nigeria (ChristianNewswire)
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Christian organizations in America have petitioned the White House to designate Boko Haram a Foreign Terrorist Organization. The extremist group is responsible for over 3,000 deaths since it began its armed insurgency in Nigeria. Many of its victims have been Christians that have been bombed while attending church. Many Christian organizations believe the FTO designation would impede Boko Haram's ability to access funds and arms they receive from outside Nigeria's borders. Will America step up and help Nigeria's persecuted Christians?    
Pray that the plight of Nigerians would be heard by those within government, and for the truth about Boko Haram would be recognized by all. 
Pray for the continued faithfulness of Christians in Nigeria. 
Pray especially for safety this Christmas for Christians and non-Christians in Nigeria. Boko Haram has a history for targeting churches during Christmas in the previous years. Pray that Christians would be free to worship in peace.
Young Kyrg Girl Beaten and Burned by Parents after Conversion to Christianity
12/18/2012 Kyrgyzstan (BosNewsLife)
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In a country that does not support religious minorities, a young Kyrg girl was punished by her parents for converting to Christianity. Though they beat her until she went unconscious and burned her face on the stove, she did not recant her faith. Situations like this are more frequent in Kyrgyzstan than one might suppose, however the incidents frequently go unreported.
Pray for the safety of this faithful girl and for her to be comforted by her Father in Heaven, may His love sustain her now. 
Pray that God would reveal Himself to her parents, and they would repent of their actions and trust Jesus.
Pray for those who are tortured for their faith in Kyrgyzstan, pray that ICC can be provided with ways to step in and provide these girls with safety. 
Eighty Christians in Uzbekistan Raided for Reading Bibles and Singing
12/17/2012 Uzbekistan (Forum18)
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In Uzbekistan it is illegal for Christians to gather and worship anywhere other than places registered and approved by the government. Recently, a gathering of 80 believers, who were on holiday together, was raided by police in plainclothes. The believers were exercising their right to freedom of religion, but were not in a building registered for religious purposes. They were threatened, verbally abused and fingerprinted by the police. Their Bibles and song books were confiscated and the leaders of the group are being charged on numerous counts, one of which is “carrying out unauthorized religious activities."
Pray that religious freedom would be enjoyed by all in Uzbekistan. 
Praise God for the faithfulness of the Christians, and pray that they would be provided with Justice to worship freely. 
Pray that those in power in Uzbekistan would realize this injustice and be pushed to reform. 
Christian Pastor Imprisoned in Iran
12/20/2012 Iran (KIVTVA)
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A Christian pastor from Boise, Idaho has been imprisoned in Iran since September. Originally traveling to Iran to help start an orphanage, the pastor was arrested for his work with the underground church. Families and friends of the pastor have asked everyone to do anything possible to help the imprisoned pastor, including prayer.          
Pray for the release of Rev. Saeed Abedini, and that his witness would embolden Christian brothers and sisters in Iran. 
Pray for the faith and comfort of Abedini’s wife and daughter during this time. 
Pray that those in power would stand up for Abedini in the U.S. and in Iran. 
Boko Haram Persecuted Christians as the World Watches
12/19/2012 Nigeria (International Christian Concern)
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The prosecutor in a case of brutally murdered Turkish Christians was removed from the case as he prepared objections to a previous verdict of “no illegal group.”  The evidence procured by the prosecutor would demonstrate that the group behind the murders of the Turkish Christians in 2007 was indeed illegal. However, before reaching the court room the prosecutor was re-assigned to Istanbul. This removal is not surprising when considering that two judges and two prosecutors have been removed in the same way.  How many more delays must continue?  
Pray for a safe holiday for the Christians of Nigeria. 
Pray for international response to the plight of the persecution. 
Pray for the U.S. to seriously consider and discuss whether Boko Haram is a terrorist organization. 
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