mardi 9 octobre 2012


Free Syrian Army terrorist: We won’t stop until flag of jihad over White House (video)

Yes, the U.S. is fighting on the same side as these terrorists. Funding them even. Not to be outdone, Mitt Romney says he will arm them. Jimmy Carter did that in Afghanistan. via Before It’s News

“I just want to send a short message to America and all the infidel countries of the west, we started our Jihad here on Sham soil and we won’t finish except on your land, our Jihad started here & in Allah’s will our Jihad won’t finish except on your land & this banner in Allah’s will will be raised on the White House “
Click here to see who continues to support sending millions of your taxpayer dollars to Muslims like this.

That said, this could be Syrian psyops by Assad or it could be the real deal. Whoever made it, it’s clear that sending our tax dollars to any of these countries should cease and desist immediately.
But no, U.S. sends $12M more to Syria, $76M of your tax dollars in last year.

And feeling bold after his debate with the teleprompter-less Obama, Mitt Romney is ready to lose momentum with Americans tired of funding Middle Eastern wars and terrorists like the one featured in the video above as our country goes broke. Neocons will be cheering him loudly.
via Mitt Romney: arm the Syrian rebels |

Mitt Romney will call for an escalation of the conflict in Syria by arming rebels with the heavy weapons needed to confront president Bashar al-Assad’s tanks, helicopters and fighter jets.
Romney is to make the proposal on Monday in what his campaign team has billed as a major foreign policy speech in Lexington, Virginia.
In extracts published in advance, he opened up the prospect, if he becomes president, of a US-Iranian proxy war being fought in Syria.
“Iran is sending arms to Assad because they know his downfall would be a strategic defeat for them. We should be working no less vigorously with our international partners to support the many Syrians who would deliver that defeat to Iran – rather than sitting on the sidelines,” he said.

He accused Obama of failing to provide unequivocal support for the rebels in Syria. “I will work with our partners to identify and organise those members of the opposition who share our values and ensure they obtain the arms they need to defeat Assad’s tanks, helicopters, and fighter jets.”

Eleven years into a failed policy we are going to get four more years of it no matter what. Washington and Madison warned of these types.

Sounds like he’ll send more troops to Afghanistan too:

“The route to more war – and to potential attacks here at home – is a politically timed retreat that abandons the Afghan people to the same extremists who ravaged their country and used it to launch the attacks of 9/11,” he said.

Sadly, it is becoming all to clear that regardless of who wins in November, we all lose.


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