mardi 1 novembre 2011


French mag names ‘Mohammed’ editor

We’ve had Charlie Hebdo’s images on our Motoons page here for some time and can’t wait to see his latest.

via French mag names ‘Mohammed’ editor.

A French satirical weekly says it has named the Prophet Mohammed as “editor-in-chief” for its next issue to celebrate the election win of Tunisia’s Islamist party.

The publication Charlie Hebdo also said the issue that comes out on Wednesday will be re-named “Sharia Hebdo” after senior transitional Libyan leader Mustafa Abdel Jalil said that Islamic sharia law will be the basis of legislation under the country’s new regime.

“To fittingly celebrate the victory of the Islamist Ennahda party in Tunisia … Charlie Hebdo has asked Mohammed to be the special editor-in-chief of its next issue”, the magazine said in a statement.

“The prophet of Islam didn’t have to be asked twice and we thank him for it,” the statement said.

The publication’s editor in chief and cartoonist Charb told AFP that “We don’t feel like causing further provocation. We simply feel like doing our job as usual. The only difference this week is that Mohammed is on the cover and it’s pretty rare to put him on the cover.”

Rioting Muslims in 3, 2, 1… (CAIRorists are already whining about “Islamophobia”)


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