mercredi 20 juillet 2011


Muslim group that dreams of Islamic State of North America Expands in D.C., Oakland

via World Threats » Blog Archive » Sharia Enclave Group Expands Activism.

An extremist Muslim group in the U.S. called As-Sabiqun has opened two centers to promote its ideology, reports the Investigative Project on Terrorism. The group also urges Muslim-Americans to create Muslim-only enclaves as a step towards bringing the U.S. under Sharia Law.

The two centers, called the “College in Islamic Movement Studies” and the “Islamic Institute to Counter Zionist American Psychological Warfare,” are in Washington, D.C. and Oakland, C.A.

“We are an anti-Zionist American psycho-guerilla warfare movement. We use all available tools found in our environment in exposing the anti-Islamic, anti-human policies of this Zionist American system,” said Abdul Alim Musa, the leader of As-Sabiqun.

The website of As-Sabiqun honors Ayatollah Khomeini; Hasan al-Bana, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood; Sayyid Qutb, the extremist preacher who inspired Osama Bin Laden, and other supporters of terrorism. Musa also promotes theories that the U.S. government and Israel staged the 9/11 attacks, and says that as a Muslim, he “like[s]” Osama Bin Laden. He has also praised Hamas and Hezbollah.

As-Sabiqun also promotes a plan to create Muslim-only communities in the U.S. where Islamic Sharia law can be established. The ultimate goal is to bring the U.S. under Sharia Law.

As-Sabiqun isn’t the only group trying to create such mini-states. The Muslims of the Americas organization has established compounds dozens of acres large, such as “Islamberg” in Hancock, New York State. In 2009, the Christian Action Network exposed how this organization is instructing some of its members in guerilla warfare by releasing, “Homegrown Jihad: Terrorist Camps Around the U.S.,” a film about the organization.

More from IPT, Radical Islamist Group Tries to Branch Out and via Radical Movement’s Leader Forecasts America’s Demise

As the spotlight moves away from the Fort Hood massacre, one of America’s most openly radical Islamist organizations has taken to the murderer’s defense. As-Sabiqun, a Washington D.C.-based organization with branches in four other major American cities, released a flyerlabeling shooter Nidal Malik Hasan as “victimized” and the “target of psychological warfare.” The handout also defended convicted terrorists and suspects.

As-Sabiqun has repeatedly predicted the demise of the United States and dreams ofthe Islamic State of North America no later than 2050.”

It has openly declared support for terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hizbullah, and even claimed it funded anti-American militants.

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