dimanche 24 avril 2011


(pendaison de deux adolescents homosexuels en Iran)


For westerners it is pedophilia... for Pashtuns it is bacha baz.

Pashtuns sanction a form of pedophilia
"How can you fall in love if you can't see her face," 29-year-old Mohammed Daud told reporters.

"We can see the boys, so we can tell which are beautiful."

An article by Joel Brinkley a Pulitzer Prize winning professor of Journalism at Stanford University illustrates the fact that many Afghans in this case the Pashtuns have radically different values than westerners and in many cases values that we would consider as involving criminal acts.

In some cases such as the treatment of women there has been outright condemnation of those values as in the recent outcry about a law that would require Shia women to submit to their husband's sexual desires within certain time frames.

The Karzai government managed to wait for the interest to die out and passed the law without change! Other issues such as its being a capital crime for a Muslim to convert to Christianity are studiously ignored if possible.

This article shows that a form of pedophilia is sanctioned and even lauded by the Pashtuns.

Soldiers on patrol in Afghanistan often noticed older men walking with young boys and it seemed to them that the older men kept making advances to the young boys and attempted to fondle them. This was all so upsetting to troops that the military hired AnnaMaria Cardinalli to find out what this behavior was all about.

Her report "Pashbtun Sexuality" was no big deal or surprise to Afghans but shocked and repulsed the occupying forces.

For centuries, Afghan men have taken boys, roughly 9 to 15 years old, as lovers.

Some research suggests that half the Pashtun tribal members in Kandahar and other southern towns are bacha baz, the term for an older man with a boy lover. Literally it means "boy player." The men like to boast about it.

The practice is most common among the Pashtuns and in the south.

In Kandahar, and other towns, dance parties are a popular pastime.

Young boys dress up as girls, wearing makeup and bells on their feet, and dance for a dozen or more leering middle-aged men who throw money at them and then take them home.

The practice can partly be explained by the fact that the treatment of women in the society makes them virtually unapproachable.

Afghan men cannot talk to an unrelated woman until after proposing marriage.

Before then, they can't even look at a woman, except perhaps her feet. Otherwise she is covered, head to ankle.

Even after marriage, many men keep their boys, suggesting a loveless life at home. A favored Afghan expression goes: "Women are for children, boys are for pleasure."

Although Islamic law forbids homosexuality this aspect of the relationship seems to be ignored or rationalized as not involving love-just sex-- and therefore not homosexuality.

Cardinalli responds not as a sociologist or anthropologist but in the typical emotive and moralistic way that one would expect from a person with western values. Contrast that with how the boy involved sees it!

"There's no issue more horrifying and more deserving of our attention than this," Cardinalli said. "I'm continually haunted by what I saw."

As one boy, in tow of a man he called "my lord," told the Reuters reporter: "Once I grow up, I will be an owner, and I will have my own boys."

Of course some Americans and others might wonder.Why are American and NATO forces fighting and dying to defend tens of thousands of proud pedophiles, certainly more per capita than any other place on Earth?

Better change the subject! I suppose the answer is that this is just a collateral aspect of the U.S. and NATO trying to protect everyone from Al Qaeda!

NOTE: Relations that at present would be seen as pedophilia were also common in western culture. Anyone who reads Homer would realize that heroes such as Achilles had their younger male partners.

Plato's dialogues are also full of examples of pederasty although Plato thought that sexual intercourse with younger boys was a lower form of love as contrasted with Platonic love that transcended these desires.

See this article on pederasty.

(cliquez pour les vidéos)

Our Pashtun Pedophile (Bacha Bazi) Culture ... 5 min - 8 nov. 2010
Importé par PashtunTube

bacha bazi pashtun pedophile culture in ...
5 min - 11 janv. 2010
Importé par PashtunKosKunPrideTV

youtube.com ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

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