jeudi 21 avril 2011


The following message from Plan International USA has been sent to you via Mother Jones.

Dear friend,

Think you know about girls' rights? Take our quiz to test your knowledge and you could win a free year-long sponsorship for a girl in the country of your choice!

Answer Here!

It's a fact: in India, girls as young as 8 years old could legally be forced into marriage. But is this fact from the 1920s? Or is it still true today?!

See if you can tell which issues are a thing of the past and which remain a challenge for girls fighting for their rights today.

Take our "Now or Then" quiz to test your knowledge with five quick questions. Complete the quiz before April 30, and you'll be entered to win a free year-long child sponsorship!

Being born a girl in the developing world often means facing more challenges, more discrimination, more danger.

Plan's work to improve the lives of girls and boys worldwide includes innovative, community based programs like Because I am a Girl, through which Plan has improved the lives of more than 100,000 girls worldwide – protecting them from abuse, making sure they have access to an education and medical care, and empowering them to succeed.

We've created this five question quiz so you can test your knowledge and help Plan spread awareness about the challenges girls continue to face. If the answers to this quiz surprise you, make sure to challenge your friends too. Imagine the impact we could have if 50,000 people take this quiz, and each one becomes more committed to fighting for girls' rights!

That's why Plan has set a goal of getting 50,000 people to take the quiz before the end of the month

Will you help bring us one person closer to reaching our goal by taking the quiz today? You'll learn more about issues that matter to girls worldwide – and you could even win a free year-long sponsorship for a girl in need!

Thank you for all you do to help the world's girls.


Scott Schroeder
Vice President
Plan International USA

Click here to read Plan's Terms and Conditions for the one-year child sponsorship give-away.

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