vendredi 22 avril 2011


Who is the Muslim Brotherhood? (video)

Congresswoman Sue Myrick has posted a three-part video (so far) entitled who is the Muslim Brotherhood. Part III, below, exposes the Hamas-linked, American Muslim organization, Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).

Part II below the fold.

In Part I Myrick attempts to disassociate what she calls “Islamists” from Islam. This seems to be purely a Western, political distinction and of course those she refers to as Islamists base their ideology wholly on Islam and sharia law. What are “Islamists” doing differently than the Mohammid?

Absent that, it’s refreshing to see an elected official exposing CAIR – although it’s not clear if Myrick ever confronted CAIR’s chairman who also happened to be a state senator from her own North Carolina.


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