mercredi 16 juin 2010


Islamic Hatred: Soldiers' Parade Ruined by Muslim protesters,

Brand War Heroes ‘Murderers’ as Homecoming Parade turns Violent,

EDL Stands Against Vile Islamic Supremacism

A little over a year after Muslims screamed 'baby killers' and 'rapists' at soldiers parading through Luton after a tour of duty in Iraq (an episode which gave birth to the EDL), devout Muslims came out again to spew their vile invective, agitate for jihad and show their treasonous contempt for the West.

This time the EDL was there to stand for their countrymen, their nation, their soldiers.

Muslim protesters brand war heroes ‘murderers’ as homecoming parade turns violent (Casuals United)

It is interesting how the media portrays the Islamic jihadists on the same moral playing field as the patriots standing up for their nation. It is a decayed effete elite that is aiding and abetting advancing jihad.

One cannot help but be reminded of the goosestepping nazis before WWII when you see the vile treason of the Muslims at their jackbooted, keffiyeh-clad protests.

The keffiyeh, the swastika -- same thing.

The hate speech, the thuggery, same thing.

Here are pictures and craven coverage from the Daily Mail:

Screaming hate and brandishing vile placards, Muslim extremists and far-Right groups clashed yesterday in ugly scenes that marred a parade by soldiers. Around 40 members of a group called Muslims Against the Crusades (MAC) arrived with inflammatory banners featuring slogans such as 'Butchers return' and 'What are you dying for? £18k'. They were soon confronted by 100 people, some wearing English Defence League T-shirts, who shouted 'scum' and 'Muslim bombers off our streets'.

Brits meet muslims

Around 40 members of a group called Muslims Against the Crusades (MAC) arrived with inflammatory banners featuring slogans such as 'Butchers return' and 'What are you dying for? £18k'.

They were soon confronted by 100 people, some wearing English Defence League T-shirts, who shouted 'scum' and 'Muslim bombers off our streets'.


Clashes: Police hold back Muslim protesters as they trade insults with English Defence League members while soldiers take part in a homecoming parade in Barking, Essex

The  Muslim protesters shouted 'murderers' as troops from the Royal Anglian  Regiment paraded through Barking

The Muslim protesters shouted 'murderers' as troops from the Royal Anglian Regiment paraded through Barking, Essex.

Police, who had received intelligence warning of trouble at the march in Barking, Essex, separated the groups behind barriers on opposite sides of the road.

But violence flared after 200 soldiers from 1st Battalion Royal Anglian Regiment - who lost five men in a recent tour of Afghanistan and had been granted freedom of the borough - marched past thousands of well-wishers.


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