mardi 15 juin 2010


CENSORSHIP: Google Blocking "Negative" Searches Related to Islam

Google is blocking "negative" searches related to Islam.

Free thought, free will, free men?

Only for left-o-fascists.

Notice how quick Google is to scrub jihad websites, videos, and incitement to violence?

Of course you haven't, because they don't. Google-owned you tube runs all the jihad porn, but if patriots get out of line, their vids are deleted and accounts suspended.

Google proudly endorsed Obama and was banning anti-Obama blogs during the election like clockwork.

The leftist Islamic alliance is hard at work.

Evil makes for strange bedfellows.

Google's conduct in all things jihad has been unconscionable.

From the Next Web.

Google Blocking Negative Search Recommendations On Islam – Why? (hat tip Joe)

When you search for the major religions of the world, the monotheistic faiths for example, Google serves up suggestions for the search “Christianity is” such as, “a lie,” or false.” Try it on a a number of faiths, and then Islam.

Notice any difference?

Google is systematically blocking, it seems, all search suggestions for Islam. Why? To remove the chance of an adherent of the faith from being offended by a perhaps severe search suggestion? Why not treat all search terms equally?

Given the complete lack of suggestions, not just terms that could be perceived as negative, it seems that Google is covering its, well, behind.

UPDATE: A number of readers have told me that Google is claiming an "error" they are trying to fix. Just for knowing, I don't believe those lefturds. They are notorious.

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