mercredi 28 octobre 2009


BNP Would “Turn Back Asylum Seekers Who Have Other Countries to Go To”

October 26, 2009
by BNP News

cbThe British National Party would turn back “asylum seekers” trying to enter this country if they have passed other safe countries on their way here.

This was said by BNP candidate in the Glasgow north east by-election, Charlie Baillie, in response to a question from a journalist while campaigning in the constituency.

Mr Baillie told the journalist that he would be campaigning on an anti-immigration platform, focusing on the arrival of asylum seekers.

Asked whether he would turn away a “torture victim from Zimbabwe,” Mr Baillie said “Yes. They have neighbouring countries they can go to.”

Meanwhile, BNP Scotland continues to campaign like never before in the seat. So far, some 25,000 leaflets and 4,000 Voice of Freedom newspapers have been delivered in the north east of Glasgow.

The party’s Truth Truck is also being deployed in the campaign. Its first appearance was last Friday when it was out for a 16 hour stint. The drivers report that they were greeted with cheers everywhere they went.

The Truth Truck was also out campaigning over the weekend, despite awful weather.


This week will see activism every day, reports BNP Scottish leader Gary Raikes. “If anyone within driving distance wants to come and help, they will be welcome,” he said.


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