Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
At present more than 150 million girls and women have undergone genital mutilation.
Every day 8,000 are added to this number.
The health consequences for the affected women are severe: often they do not survive the "operation".
This is why TERRE DES FEMMES continues its intensive lobbying.
Female genital mutilation involves the amputation of the outer female genitalia. Almost without exception, the clitoris is partly or completely amputated (clitoridectomy). The inner labia is also often partly or completely removed (excision). Otherwise, in about 15% of all cases, the outer labia is partly amputated and is sewn together so that only an opening, the size of a grain of rice, remains (infibulation).
Genital mutilation is practised to varying degrees in about twenty-eight African countries, and is moreover practised, to a lesser extent, throughout the Arabian Peninsula and Asia.
The reasoning behind this practice is manifold, in part contradictory, and varies from one ethnic group to the other, as well as from region to region.
The origins of this practice are myths, ignorance of biological-medical facts, or (misinterpreted) Islam.
Consequences for the woman's health
Genital mutilation causes massive physical, mental and sexual damage, frequently even resulting in death.
Some of the medical consequences may involve: loss of blood, chronic pain, infection (including the transferring of HIV), incontinence or sterility. Infibulation can lead to immense pain during urination, menstruation and sexual intercourse and presents a considerable risk for both mother and baby during childbirth. The harm done to quality of life is incalculable.
What does TERRE DES FEMMES do?TERRE DES FEMMES has been working against female genital mutilation for 25 years, regarding it as a massive human rights violation, which must be singled out as a central theme and abolished.
Genital mutilation suppresses and controls women's sexuality and fertility, and places them within the perimeters of male dominance.
Again and again we must draw attention to the practice of female genital mutilation in Germany, as Germany attracts a growing number of immigrants.
According to estimations of TERRE DES FEMMES, there are at least 19,000 affected women and more than 4,000 girls in danger of genital mutilation who live in Germany.
Therefore TERRE DES FEMMES provides information about this issue in Germany with intensive work with the public through lectures, specialised training for professionals, articles and self-published material etc.
Professional groups such as doctors and lawyers are especially important for us. Spots in cinema advertising about the subject have contributed to public awareness. The interest of our work is particularly directed to the affected or endangered women and girls who live in Germany. Within the perimeters of our project work we have been supporting for years African women, fighting against female genital mutilation in their home countries.
Clear legislation and prohibition of any form of female genital mutilation in Germany,
All possible protection for the girls who are living in Germany,
Acknowledgement of fleeing from genital mutilation as basis for asylum,
Foreign aid money be set aside for relevant education projects in the countries in question,
Genital mutilation be made a punishable offence in §5 German Penal Code, through which genital mutilation executed abroad can be prosecuted in Germany.
The medical body and FGM The Bundesärztekammer (German Medical Association) published in Feburary 2006 recommandations for the treatment of victims of FGM. They reacted to a survey conducted among gynaecologists and developed by TERRE DES FEMMES in collaboration with UNICEF and the Berufsverband der Frauenärtze (association of gynaecologists). According to this poll, the medical body seriously lacks knowledge and information about this practice. Therefore medical schools should methodically devote a part of their teaching to FGM.
The concerned women need adequate and numerous advice. Our brochure "We protect our daughters" gives advice for the counseling of affected women, Specially designed for immigants, it explains in various languages the dangers of the practice and the legal position that Germany takes.
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