No Protection for Tommy?
If Tommy Robinson, the former leader and founder of the
EDL, had a penny for every time he or his family had been threatened on
the Internet, by e-mail and on Twitter, he would be a very rich man.
he had sued everyone who had physically assaulted him or abused him on
the streets, he could have retired to live a life of luxury in some
distant sun-drenched tropical haven. If the police had even for a moment
taken any of the threats seriously, he would have an armed guard night
and day, instead of being threatened with prosecution for re-tweeting
the abuse, insults and hair-raising threats he has received over the
The Somali-based terror group, al-Shabaab, the group responsible for the recent horrific events in Kenya, have now released a video calling for a number of leading critics of Islamic extremism to have their throats cut.
This threat is very, very real. It is therefore only right that the
police should take the threat seriously and provide protection around
the clock for such notables as Mohammed Ansar, the filmmaker and
journalist, for Usama Hasan, a senior researcher with the anti-extremist
Quilliam Foundation, and imam and broadcaster Ajmal Masroor.
This call
for the deaths of the critics of Islam is nothing new. How could
anyone forget the murder of Theo Van Gogh in the Netherlands for making a
film critical of Islam? Or indeed the burning of the Charlie Hebdo
offices in France for simply poking a little fun at Muslims.
Muslims are fond of telling us how moral Islam is and how
it raises the moral status of it’s followers, but their morality is
twisted. It is a morality that is at odds with our own values and
traditions in this country, yet our leaders and the establishment are
happy to encourage Political Islam over the values of the British
people. It is this that allows Islamists to believe that they can issue
these threats against British citizens with impunity. How different it
would be if it these threats had emanated from a British organisation
like the EDL. There would be dawn raids, multiple arrests and the full
weight of the law thrown against them.
Tommy Robinson, one of the most outspoken critics of
Islamist crimes, stands near the top of the list of the infidels that
al-Shabaab would love to see gasping their agonised last breaths on
Britain’s streets as Lee Rigby did. But this is also the same Tommy
Robinson who has campaigned so long and so courageously against police
duplicity. Such honesty has not made Tommy many friends among the high
and mighty and it is somewhat ironic in a sort of twisted way that it is
this campaigning, this honesty, that has apparently ensured that while
prominent Muslim critics of Islam are automatically given
round-the-clock police protection, Tommy Robinson and his family had to
almost beg to be given any protection at all. Apparently police double
standards extend from not prosecuting those they should to also not
protecting those they should. But then Tommy Robinson is not the right
religion, does not hold the right views.
Tommy might not be to everyone’s taste. You might not
agree with his views. You might violently disagree with them, as many
Muslims and those on the left of politics do, but he is a British
citizen and it’s the duty of the British state to protect its citizenry
from real threats of violence both internal and external. To deny Tommy
protection to renege on the very basis of civilised society. To give
protection to people on an arbitrary basis or on the basis of who the
State likes and dislikes is to operate a two-tier system of governance.
It goes against everything that Democracy stands for. It is not as if
Political Islam doesn’t issue these threats regularly everywhere around
the world directed at its opponents.
They are not something new and we
know from the death of Drummer Rigby and Theo Van Gogh and countless
others who have stood up to Islamist terrorism that Islamists are quite
prepared to use murder and the threat of murder to further their cause.
David Cameron needs to act urgently because if there is
another incident , another murder such as Lee Rigby’s, it should
surprise no-one if the British people were to take the law into their
own hands. The British are very tolerant, but that tolerance is being
stretched very, very thin.
If a people are betrayed by their own
government and if democratic channels do not work, no-one can blame them
if they seek a solution by other means. Eventually, the British people
will be pushed so far they they will be forced to take action.
do not want to see violence on the streets of Britain, and that is why
we call on David Cameron and his cabinet to act now to defend the
rightful citizens of this country and not to continue defending those
who seek to attack it.
No Surrender
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