lundi 2 septembre 2013


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News and Prayer for the Persecuted
Muslim Brotherhood's Attempt to Scapegoat Christians is Failing

8/25/2013 Egypt (Fox News) 

Though violence in Egypt continues to rise, the good news is the Christians are not being blamed for it. The Muslim Brotherhood has been shown to be the true root of the violence. Even followers of Islam recognize the group as terrorists and support the military's attempt to shut it down. 

  • Pray that Christians will not be blamed for the violence
  • Pray the group will be shut down and for the end of violence in Egypt
  • Pray for the people and families who have suffered losses as they rebuild their community

USCIRF Reports 12,000 People Killed in Anti-Christian Violence in Northern Nigeria

8/23/2013 Nigeria (Rome Reports)

A nonpartisan US interest group calculates that 12,000 people have been killed by the Islamist group Boko Haram since 2012. The report also included attacks on other groups that go against the Boko Haram-essentially anything they deem un-Islamic. The violence to Christians could actually be greater, as this study only estimated damage done by this one group.

  • Pray for the families of those who suffered losses
  • Pray against the violence caused by Boko Haram
  • Pray for the churches and other "un-Islamic" places that were destroyed to be rebuilt

U.S. Appears to Have Little Interest in Promoting Religious Freedom Abroad
8/21/2013 United States (USCIRF)

The International Religious Freedom Act, passed in 1998, enables the US government to go after foreign governments who do not allow religious freedom. The designation has encouraged countries like Vietnam to make positive changes in how it treats religious minorities, including Christians, but has often been forgotten by presidential administration.

  • Pray the act will be enforced for countries that do not allow religous freedom
  • Pray that the act will encourage countries to make positive changes to accept religious minorities

Attacks on Christians in India Signals New Wave of Persecution
8/25/2013 India (Catholic Culture)

There is a new influx of violence against Christians in India. Hindu extremists attacked a mission and destroyed a convent in one region. In another, the mother of a pastor was attacked and beaten.

  • Pray for protection and safety of Christians during this time
  • Pray that Hindu extremists would cease attacks on Christians

The 'Almost Unremarked' Tragedy of Christians Persecuted in the Middle East 
8/25/2013 Iraq (Telegraph)
In Iraq, Christians are being targeted by the remnants of Al Qaeda. The numbers of Christians in the nation are diminishing due to emigration to flee persecution. Increasingly, it is the result of militant Islamic groups that have targeted Christians. In Iraq, it is al-Qaeda linked groups that are targeting Christians. 

Full story
  • Pray against persecution of Christians in the Middle East
  • Pray for the safety and protection of refugees
  • Pray that al-Qaeda linked groups that are targeting Christians will be exposed

Christian Villages Ransacked in Southern Philippines
8/22/2013 Philipinnes (CIC)

Two villages have been attacked by a group that call themselves the Islamic Freedom Fighters. They stole many goods that are the livelihood of the villagers. A man was killed when he tried to run for help, resulting in fear that has swept the village.  Many villagers are sleeping in evacuation centers instead of their homes. 
  • Pray for the attacks to stop
  • Pray for the recovery and healing of the villagers
  • Pray peace and comfort over the family of the man that was killed
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