mercredi 27 février 2013


Muslim Patrols – An EDL Response

Over the last month or so more and more videos have been appearing online of so-called ‘Muslim Patrols’ attacking and intimidating people who dare to drink alcohol or ‘expose too much flesh’ in ‘Muslim areas’.

The areas affected so far are in East London, often in the vicinity of Tower Hamlets. 

But how long will it be until copycats try to inflict their beliefs on people in other ‘Muslim areas’?

When not harassing homosexuals, these groups tell us that Western civilisation is evil, or that such innocent things such as adverts featuring women are wrong, evil or (somehow) disrespectful to women. Amidst all the Allahu Akbars of course.

The Islamists of Tower Hamlets have thrown down a gauntlet. They scream out their intention of imposing Islam and sharia upon us. They say we have to submit to Islam whether we like it or not.
Normally, such things could be dismissed as the rantings and ravings of deluded fools with delusions of grandeur and self-importance. But harassing those who don’t conform to their warped idea of civilised society is a new strategy – one that demonstrates their growing confidence that the authorities will do nothing to stop them. The police dare not interfere and so-called community ‘leaders’ just continue to tell us that Islam is respectful and peaceful, whilst doing little to address these problems.
The Muslim patrols have challenged all Britons, whatever race, religion, politics or sexual persuasion. They challenge us to stand up for our heritage in the face of their vision of an Islamic caliphate. They challenge us to prevent them from working to undermine the rightful, legally and democratically elected government. They want to impose Sharia on us - a two-tier legal system that treats Muslims and non-Muslims differently and which controls every aspect of a person’s life.
Sharia levies heavy penalties for non-Muslims who refuse to convert by forcing them to pay a heavy protection tax – the Jizya. The Jizya isa way to humiliate non-Muslims, by refusing them the rights of ordinary (Muslim) citizens. In many Muslim-majority nations, new non-Muslim places of worship are forbidden and old ones can only be repaired if permission is given (which is rare). In Egypt, Libya and increasingly in Indonesia, even minor repairs to a floor tile or carpet have to be approved by Islamic authorities.

The young, mentally challenged young men in these videos rant against advertising posters with semi-clothed women. But one of the men has been convicted of repeatedly trying to molest a 15 year old girl. How can they not recognise the difference between merely viewing women in a state of partial undress and sexually attacking a young girl? Why is it that we hear about the evils of advertising boards but precious little about selling an under-age, prepubescent girl to an old man for sex?

English common law is highly regarded around the world and is the model for many a legal system around the world.  English common law is rightly regarded as just, sensible and fair and is civilised. It is for all citizens irrespective of social position, religion, politics or sexual orientation. Islamists want to replace this civilised legal system with a divisive, backward, barbaric 7th century legal system which imposes injustice upon even Muslims themselves. 

As Britons we need to rise to the challenge. We need to tell these backward, uncivilised fools, that we are not going to accept Islam or Sharia in this country. We must tell them they can worship whatever they want, but that is as far as it goes. We don't want to live under their idea of a legal system. We don't want to live by a code of conduct that denigrates women and threatens freedom of thought, speech, religion and politics. These morons are threatening to impose their vision on us by force of violence. As a nation we need to stand strong, united and shoulder to shoulder to defend our values, our way of life and our country. 

Of course we don’t advocate violence, but we must show that we will not be intimidated. We stand for the rule of law, and we have the right to arrest those who break the law. A citizen’s arrest can be made by any other citizen and that means you and me! 

It's a right we must exercise every time when one of these fools breaks the law by spewing hateful, bigoted words, or whenever they incite citizens to bring down the legal government (which is sedition by any other name). We won’t allow them to harass people in the streets over their consumption of alcohol, their gender, their lifestyle or because they've simply strayed into a ‘Muslim area’.

It's time for us to take back the streets of our country. We must now do the job that the state refuses to do. We must use the very law that we want to defend to protect our way of life and our democratic freedoms. We must prove that it isn’t Islamophobic to protect the rule of law through lawful means.

The Metropolitan Police, lacking any support from politicians, have categorically failed. They have forced our hand. EDL patrols will now work to counter the threat posed by these extremists. We will work to defend anyone who has been targeted by the Muslim patrols or who feels under threat.

We will never surrender to the Sharia! And we will never let these ‘Muslim patrols’ have the pleasure of believing otherwise. So get out there, be proactive and defend our communities from backward Islamists!

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