vendredi 7 décembre 2012


News and Prayer for the Persecuted
December 7, 2012
Crossing the Bridge
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Rick Warren Says President Obama has 'Infringed' on Religious Liberties
11/29/2012 United States (Christian Post)
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Pastor Rick Warren believes President Obama is infringing upon religious freedom in America, and isn't shy about sharing this opinion. In an interview with the Huffington Post, Warren says the president is "'absolutely' unfriendly towards religion." Warren cites mandated contraception coverage issued by the Department of Health and Human Services as being an infringement on the practices of faith.  
Pray that President Obama stops infringing upon our Constitutionally-defined religious liberties. 
Pray that legislation will pass that promotes freedom of religion, not prohibits it.
Pray for a revival in America.
Sharia Declared Main Source of Law in Egypt
11/29/2012 Egypt (AsiaNews)
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It is difficult to read about the events unfolding in Egypt. The Christian population is now in grave danger. What does their future hold now that Sharia law has been declared the “main source” of law in Egypt? Will they fall victim to false accusations of Islamic blasphemy like their brothers and sisters in Pakistan? Is Egypt on the path to becoming the next Saudi Arabia—a land completely intolerant to Christianity and its precepts?
Pray that the vote for Sharia law in Egypt is reversed.
Pray for the safety of all Christian-run businesses in Egypt.

Pray that the Lord places a huge hedge of protection around Egypt’s Christian citizens.
Christian Pastor Attacked in India
12/2/2012 India (Christianity Post)
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Jesus never “forced” anyone to follow Him—it was a choice…still is a choice.  Jesus gave us a perfect and peaceful example of the Great Commission for believers today.  For lack of a better word, our “job” is to gently share Jesus with all who will listen.  Unfortunately, Muslims have not been given these same instructions.  Muhammad’s precedent for “sharing” the Islamic faith was by compulsion and fear—by wielding the sword and by instituting financial ultimatums on those who refused to convert.  With this mindset, it is no wonder that Muslims assume Christians evangelize in the same way—with fear, duress, and compulsion.  Case in point:  On November 23, 2012, Pastor Lewis Mascarenhas was attacked after distributing Christian literature to a group of inquisitive, Indian Muslims.  Upon hearing about the distribution, Islamic radicals automatically assumed that the pastor had been on some “crazed, evangelical tirade,” and yet nothing could be further from the truth.  Nonetheless, Pastor Mascarenhas was assaulted, dragged to a nearby hospital, and left in police custody. 
Pray for the swift and complete healing of Pastor Lewis Mascarenhas.

Pray that Pastor Lewis Mascarenhas is not formally arrested.

Pray for the salvation of Pastor Mascarenhas’s attackers.
Ten Christians Have Throats Slit as Boko Haram Continues its Campaign of Terror
12/3/2012 Nigeria (International Christian Concern)
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“They came armed with guns, but decided to butcher their victims,” a witness told the press.  This anonymous witness was describing the slaughter—the animal-like slaughter—of 10 innocent Nigerian Christians.  On December 1, 2012, Islamic radicals rushed into the peaceful village of Chibok, wielding freshly-sharpened machetes, and screaming “Allah Akbar!” [Allah is great!] In what seemed like a nightmare, the Muslims barged into pre-selected homes and viciously murdered the Christians inside.  Although it has not been confirmed, this attack has the markings of the blood-thirsty, Islamic, fundamentalist group, Boko Haram.  In fact, it is believed that Boko Haram has been to blame for the deaths of at least 3,000 people since its insurgency in 2009.
Pray for the family and friends of the 10 Christians that were killed on Dec. 1.
Pray that the Nigerian government will go to great lengths to defend and protect its Christian citizens.

Pray that all members of Boko Haram are found, arrested, and sentenced. 
Pakistani Christian Girl Raped and Tortured for Eleven Days 
12/3/2012 Pakistan (Pakistan Christian Post)
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A 14-year-old Pakistani Christian girl was out picking flowers when two Muslim men kidnapped her on Nov. 11. The two men, Mohammad Javed and Mohammad Mumtaz, whisked the girl away to a secret location where she was forced to sign a document stating that she had converted to Islam. Mumtaz and Javed continuously raped and tortured the young girl for 11 days.  The young girl was rescued by her father and an influential Christian businessman named Chaudry Riaz Bashir.  Unfortunately, local imams are stating that the young girl is now “legally” a Muslim and cannot live her life as a Christian.  In fact, one imam is threatening to burn Christian homes if the young girl does not follow Islamic practices.
Pray for protection for the victim and her family.

Pray that the Mohammad Mumtaz and Mohammad Javed are arrested.

Pray for the complete mental, physical, spiritual and emotional healing for this young girl, and all women who are targeted because of their faith and gender. 
Boko Haram Connected to Al-Qaeda by U.S. Military Report
12/5/2012 Nigeria (OsunDefender)
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The Islamist militant group Boko Haram has now be linked to al-Qaeda via a United States military report. Boko Haram is not currently labeled as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) by the U.S. State Department. However, the State Department cannot ignore the fact that Boko Haram does have ties to a FTO. The constant reports and mounting evidence of Boko Haram’s violence towards the non-Muslim people of Nigeria more than warrant an FTO label.
Pray that the U.S. State Department will declare Boko Haram as an FTO and something can be done to protect the people of Nigeria.

Pray for the safety of Christians in Nigeria, as they are an easy target for Boko Haram. Pray that the Holy Spirit encourages and builds up those who are scared.

Pray that other foreign governments will put pressure on Boko Haram so that the mindless violence they inflict will be stopped. 
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