lundi 10 décembre 2012


Arrests, convictions and plots by Muslims in U.S…since November 1, 2012

A sampling of arrests, indictments, convictions, guilty pleas, sentences and further encroachment of Islam and sharia in the United States…since November 1, 2012.

Arizona: Iraqi Muslim Firebombs Arizona Social Security Office (video) and DHS knew about him, rejecting his citizenship application for ‘Terrorism-Related Activity’
Arizona: Muslim family guilty in brutal ‘honor beatings’ of daughter gets just probation
California: Four Muslims arrested in terror plot (video) – no surprise, the suspects met at a Pomona mosque
California: Prominent imam, like brother, found guilty of tax fraud
California: Maker of Muhammad film sentenced to year in prison for blaspheming Islam
California: Muslim arrested in honor killing of wife, CAIR helped promote Islamophobic narrative against Americans – media spread it
Florida: 2 Muslim brothers arrested for plotting jihad attack on Americans
Florida: Muslims bringing weapons and ammunition to mosque run by imam with ties to 1993 WTC terrorist group (video)
Ohio: Muslim who planned Ohio mall attack deported to Somalia
Seattle: Muslim admits guilt in plot to attack local military processing station
Texas: Somali Muslim “refugee” with terror links pleads guilty
Texas: Judge in Fort Hood jihad mass murder case removed for not allowing sharia
Texas: Saudi student gets life in prison, no parole in failed plot to kill Americans
Massachusetts: Muslim gets 17 years in Pentagon jihad plot
New York: Muslim pleads guilty, gets 10 years in plot to bomb 10 NYC synagogues
New York: Muslim indicted in plot to blow up Federal Reserve
New York: Bosnian Muslim Immigrant Gets Life Sentence for Subway Jihad Plot
Alabama: Muslim Student Association Alum Tops FBI ‘Most Wanted Terrorists’ List
Alabama: Pious imam arrested in prostitution sting
Tennessee: Muslim found guilty following deathbed murder confession
North Carolina: Two Muslims plead guilty in plot to behead terror trial witnesses
North Carolina: 3rd Muslim Found Guilty In Witness Beheading Plot
Bosnia: Muslim who attacked U.S. embassy in Sarajevo sentenced to 18 years

A busy six weeks as Americans continue to pay the Islam tax in all sorts of ways. Sadly, since Americans are in denial, unwilling to grasp reality or learn that it is The Duty (of Muslims) to Emigrate and that Muslim Leaders Seek Sharia in the US, future generations will be forced to fight or be perpetually terrorized and eventually enslaved by Muslims as Islam grows.


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