mercredi 26 décembre 2012


Sharia is Now the Law of the Land in Egypt: Analysis of the Constitution

Posted by Ryan Mauro 
  On December - 24 - 2012

Sharia is now Egypt’s law of the land. 
The Islamist-written draft constitution was approved by about 64% of voters. 

The Muslim Brotherhood believes its time has come. At long last, it has overtaken the land where the group was founded in 1928. 

For them, this is a blessing from Allah for their years of discipline and patience. And that blessing will continue as it erects a bloc to eliminate Israel, restore Islamic dominion in Europe and wage “civilization jihad” against the West.

The Egyptian opposition, consolidated into the National Salvation Front, cried foul at the results of the first round of voting. It claimed that 66% voted against it in the first round and the result was skewed by mismanagement, vote rigging and election violations. 

The Front is demanding a formal investigation into the irregularities. The Islamists run the Egyptian government, so that will go nowhere.

Part of the Islamist victory can be attributed to the decision by many to simply not show up. Turnout was only 32%. Some in the opposition wanted to deny legitimacy to the process, while others voted to try to defeat the constitution. 

As Islamist firebrand Wael Ghoneim explained, “Out of every 100 Egyptians, 69 did not take [part] in the referendum, 18 said ‘yes’ and 13 said ‘no.’”

Click here to read the rest of my article.

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