vendredi 28 décembre 2012


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This season, protect the Lord's persecuted daughters. 
Meet Adija. 

When she converted to Christianity from Islam, she found a freedom in Christ she had not known before. Adija joined an underground fellowship and met with them often, in secret, away from the suspicious eyes of her conservative Muslim husband, Musa.

Musa noticed his wife's unusual comings and goings, and began to track her whereabouts. When he discovered that she had converted to Christianity, he resolved to kill her and flee the country.

Musa confronted Adija, threw a flammable substance on her person and lit her on fire. Amazingly, she survived the attack, but was left with horrible wounds.

However, this is not the end of Adija's story.

When ICC learned of her tragic accident, we knew we had to intervene. Together, with your help, we have raised the funds to cover her complete surgery and recovery. Adija will undergo reconstructive surgery to alleviate her pain, minimize scarring, and most importantly, give her full mobility of her neck. We are also covering her additional medical expenses, housing, food, and spiritual counseling. This is an example of holistic healing: we are making sure that her physical, emotional and spiritual needs are met.

Adija is just one of many women who are victimized by both their gender and religious beliefs. They are targeted for harassment, discrimination and abuse by those who are supposed to protect them. Because of your partnership with ICC, we have been able to intervene on behalf of the Lord's daughters.

But there is still work to be done. Right now, there are Christian women whose pain continues, whose stories go untold, and whose fate goes unnoticed.

With your help, we can increase the number of persecuted Christian sisters we assist this coming year.

We cannot do it without your help. Please give.
The Christmas Catalog
Check out all the gifts that you can give to the persecuted this holiday season.
Kids Care
You can make a difference in the lives of children just like Benjamin! Learn more.
Your Community
Your giving impacts not just individuals, but whole communities. Learn more.

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