mardi 23 octobre 2012


Putin’s troops kill 49 Muslim militants day after Muslim Brotherhood proclaims Russia enemy #1

via Russian troops kill 49 militants in massive sweep | The Nation.

MOSCOW – Russian troops on Sunday reported killing 49 militants in a massive security sweep that followed angry comments from President Vladimir Putin about raging violence in the troubled North Caucasus.

The National Anti-Terror Committee said the operation was conducted across several republics in the volatile Muslim region and resulted in the removal of some of the most ‘odious’ guerrilla commanders and their followers.

“The coordinated action helped terminate the activities of several odious gang leaders, gang members and their associates, substantially damaging the system under which the bandits operate,” the Interfax news agency quoted a committee statement as saying. The committee said the “large-scale and massive” raids involved both local and federal troops and that 90 militia bases had been destroyed. It gave no details about the time frame for the operation or when it began.

Putin held a meeting on Friday on the North Caucasus in which he berated officials for failing to do enough to bring the region under full control after it witnessed two post-Soviet wars for the independence of rebel Chechnya. The region has since witnessed an insurgence that has focused most heavily on Chechnya’s larger eastern neighbour Dagestan and the poverty-wrecked republic of Ingushetia. Russian official are especially concerned about security on the restless frontier as they prepare to stage the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in the nearby Black Sea resort of Sochi.Putin referred to the Winter Games and Russia’s subsequent plans to host the football World Cup in 2018 as reasons to keep a close eye on the problem.
“I would like to point out that a series of very major events – both sports-related and political – will soon be held in Russia,” Putin told his top security advisers at the meeting.“It is a matter of honour for all law enforcement officials to ensure that these events are staged in a normal, business-like and festive manner, so that nothing can put a pall over these events.”

Putin did not specify what political events he had in mind. Russia held elections in March that saw the veteran leader return to a third presidential term.Security officials last year announced they had uncovered a plot to attack Sochi during the Olympics that they linked to guerrillas based not only in the North Caucasus but also Georgia, Russia’s regional foe.

The death of 49 guerrillas in a single Russian operation would be a serious blow to rebel forces that have reportedly lost slightly more than 300 men since the start of the year.
None of the websites most often used by the rebels mentioned serious fighting and did not report the Anti-Terror Committee’s claims.
Just a coincidence that a day earlier the Muslim Brotherhood’s Sheik Yusuf Qaradawi changes opinion about Russia and proclaims it enemy of Islam # 1

An unexpected call has been made a few days ago by an Egyptian preacher, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement, Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi.

He called on the Arab and Muslim countries to declare political and economic boycott of Tehran and Moscow because of their support of the Assad regime.

“The Arab and Islamic world must stand against Russia. We must boycott Russia. We must consider Russia as our enemy # 1. It is Russia that prevents the security council from condemning the Syrian regime, adopting a resolution against it and taking a decision to fight against it”, said Sheikh Qaradawi.

“Russia has become enemy of Islam and Muslims # 1 because it stands against the Syrian people. Over 30,000 Syrians have been killed. With whose weapons were they killed? With Russian weapons. Russia is providing the Syrian regime with weapons, and with anything else it needs”, said Qaradawi.

“Iranians and Russians are killing us, Arabs. They are killing our Syrian brethren. They are slaughtering them. Do not think that the Syrian army is doing this on its own, emphasized Qaradawi. – The Syrian army is doing it with Russian weapons which Russia sends through Iranians. Therefore, our enemies are Russians and Iranians”.

He also urged to pray for the overthrow of Assad regime and the destruction of his army which, as emphasized the Sheikh of Muslim Brotherhood, use Russian-made weapons and military jets to kill Syrians.

Further evidence that the Obama administration is fully aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood and Sunni jihadists (and funding them) and the nations that fund them. It also now clearly pits Obama and his Sunni-funded “rebels” against Syria’s Assad and apparently Russia and Iran, and likely China (cue Romney).

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