mardi 16 octobre 2012


English Democrats

Robin TilbrookDear friend,
The English Democrats are a political party with real Nationalist conviction and principles.
Our Party has gradually grown steadily and sustainably in numbers since 2002, making us the largest patriotic party in England.
National pride is nothing to be ashamed of and being English is not 'racist'.
We seek no advantage over others but neither will we tolerate being treated as second class citizens in our own ancient and proud country...all we demand is fairness and parity of esteem!
All the people of England are affected by the injustices created by subsidised devolution and we believe the preservation of England and the English people, our culture and national aspirations, are paramount at this time.
We are committed to having good and productive relationships with all the countries in Europe but we do not believe in political union, i.e. we reject the concept of a United States of Europe under the auspices of the European Union (EU).
Robin TilbrookWe believe that the people of England have been betrayed by Labour, Liberal Democrats and Conservatives alike, with half truths and lies being told which have resulted in our country being stripped of its democratic right to make laws on our own behalf.
We believe in the promotion of English culture and political self-determination and a halt to further immigration based on a Canadian or Australian style points system.
We demand a crackdown on crime, a renewal of political standards, a fight-back against political correctness, the promotion of English national identity and the establishment of an English parliament.
England is a proud and historic country yet we English are not even permitted our own national anthem in England even St Patrick's Day gets more official support than St George's Day!
But, unlike other so-called patriotic organisations, the English Democrats are a constitutional, democratic, transparent and accountable party.
Please spare a few minutes to explore a genuine patriotic alternative by visiting the 'Our Party' section of our popular website:
Yours sincerely
Robin Tilbrook
Chairman, English Democrats

PS: If you are despairing over the state of our beloved England, then please strongly consider becoming a member of the only viable patriotic political party in England, the English Democrats. If you cannot join, for whatever reason, then please consider giving a donation towards our expansion plans. Please click below:


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