mardi 23 octobre 2012


Posted: 22 Oct 2012

Kabir is probably the most popular poet in Hindi and he was raised as a Muslim but he had ideas that go against the Koran, so he was an apostate from Islam. In the West many say Kabir was a “Muslim” saint,which is not true.But first about Jesus and his mysticism.
The mysticism of Jesus
In the sayings of Jesus there are some that are of a mystical nature that resemble the way Kabir expressed himself,like in:
Luke 17:20-21:
“Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied:
“The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, nor will people say, “Here it is” or “There it is” because the kingdom of God is in within you.”"
The city of Benares
Who was Kabir (1440-1518)?
1.Kabir was a mystical poet who was illiterate, he never wrote anything and his disciples wrote down his poems.
2.Kabir was an orphan raised by Muslim parents who were poor and illiterate.They were weavers and his name is Muslim.In Arabic “al-kabir” means “the great.” We do not know who were the biological parents of Kabir, but legend says that they were an important Hindu couple. Kabir lived in Benares, the sacred city of Hinduism and lived as a weaver.
Kabir, the founder of Hindi literature
1.The sacred language of Hinduism is Sanskrit, a language not native to India, introduced about 1500 years before Jesus by the Aryan conquerors of India, a nomadic white people, native to Central Asia. Sanskrit is of the same language family (Indo-European) are as French, English, Latin, Greek, etc.
3.At the time of Kabir Sanskrit was a dead language.From Latin, a dead language, the Romance languages are derived, such as Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, etc. In the same way from Sanskrit have come Hindi, Punjabi, Bengali, Singhali, etc.Kabir was practically the first to use Hindi as a literary language.

The great sacred books of Hinduism are in Sanskrit
They are:
1.The Vedas
It has thousands of religious poems.
2.The Mahabharata
An epic poem about a war between two Aryan groups,the longest poem in the world,with about 100,000 verses.
3.The Ramayana/The Coming of Rama
The adventures of Prince Rama and his wife Sita.Their life is celebrated in Diwali (festival of light), the most sacred festival in Hinduism.
4.The best Indian writer in history wrote in Sanskrit, he was Kalidasa (lived about 400 BC) and his masterpiece is the play “Shakuntala”, a love story.
The sheep,killed by Muslims as a sacrifice
The ideas of Kabir
1.Kabir was a vegetarian and condemned 100% the killing of animals, even if it was allowed in the Koran.He was,in effect,saying that the Koran was wrong.
2.Kabir was against the killing of animals even for religious reasons.Now in Islam there is a festival called “Eid Al-Adha/Feast of the Sacrifice”,where a sheep is sacrificed.
This festival commemorates Abraham’s submission to God, symbolized by the episode where he agreed to sacrifice his son Ishmael following an order of Allah.And Allah sent a sheep at the last moment through the Archangel Gabriel to replace the child. In memory of this total submission Muslim families sacrifice a sheep or a ram,with the head of the animal towards Mecca.
3.Kabir was against pilgrimages, rituals, against the caste system.In Islam there are rituals that are required, such as praying 5 times a day,so again, Kabir was an apostate.
4.If his poems and in his way of thinking Kabir shows syncretism,that is to say, mixing Hinduism and Islam.
5.Kabir was a strong supporter of ahimsa / non-violence.
A sheep
Evidence that the Koran permits the killing of animals and eating their meat, which was condemned by Kabir
Chapter 22:36-38
“And the camels have we appointed you for the sacrifice to God: much good have you in them.
Make mention, therefore, of the name of God over them when you slay them(Note:a reference to making a meat halal), as they stand in a row
and when they are fallen over on their sides, eat of them, and feed him who is content and asks not, and him who asks.
Thus have We subjected them to you, to the intent you should be thankful.By no means can their flesh reach to God, neither their blood; but piety on your part reachs Him. Thus has He subjected them to you, that you might magnify God for His guidance: moreover, announce to those who do good deeds.That God will ward off mischief from believers,for God loves not the false, the Infidel.”

The spiritual master of Kabir
Kabir studied under Ramananda (1400-1476), a famous Hindu master of the time and a member of the bhakti/adoration movement.Ramananda had refused to educate Muslims and low-caste Hindus. Legend has it that, wishing to be admitted as a disciple, Kabir went to see Ramananda and persuaded him to accept him among his pupils. Seeing the intelligence of Kabir, Ramananda decided to accept all types of disciples.
Another famous disciple of Ramananda was the Hindu Tulsidas (1532-1623) who was an Indian poet, best known for a poem in Hindi about the adventures of Rama,the “Ramcharitmanas”.
What is the Bhakti/Adoration movement?
It was a religious movement of the Middle Ages in India and:
1.The movement started in the south of India and spread north.It was a reaction against the Muslims (who had conquered northern India) and who tried to force Hindus to become Muslim.
2.The bhakti movement was against the caste system, which is discriminatory, and against the rituals of Hinduism and sought direct union with the Hindu gods.
3.In south India the devotion of the bhakti movement was for the gods Shiva and Vishnu, and in the north it was centered on Rama and Krishna.
The Kabir Panth (path of Kabir)
This is a religious community that recognizes Kabir as its founder and has 9.5 million members, their number increased since 1901 when there were only 840,000 members.Among the commandments followed by the followers of Kabir, vegetarianism is one of them and also non-violence/ahimsa.

The characteristics of the poems of Kabir
1.In his poems, he interchangeably used terms specifically related to Hinduism and those previously only associated with Islam.
2.His poems often begin with an insult to get the attention of the listener.
3.Any religion that is not love is heresy and yoga and penance, fasting and almsgiving without meditation or true bhakti /adoration are meaningless.
4.He rejects any distinction of race, caste, religion and teaches the absolute equality of all human beings. He combined elements of the Hindus and Muslims, declaring the unity of God, saying the name of God was Vishnu and also Rama, and using the Islamic term “rahim/merciful”,a title of Allah.
Kabir and Sikhism, a religion that seems to be a combination of Islam and Hinduism
The teachings of the first Sikh gurus/teachers are based in part on the ideas of Kabir,as expressed in his poems.Part of the poems of Kabir are in the “Guru Granth Sahib”, the holy book of Sikhism.To know more about Sikhism read:
“Sikhism, the religion that appears to be a combination of Islam and Hinduism”
Kabir was illiterate, here are the other famous figures of history who were also illiterate
Buddha,who was illiterate
1.Siddharta Gautama “the Buddha” (560-480 BC)
He was an Aryan prince who at the age of 30 abandoned his wife and riches. For 5 years Gautama searched for the truth and one day,while under a tree,he was illuminated by a burst of wisdom and became the Buddha / Enlightened One and for 45 years preached his doctrines in India,till he died at age 80.
2.Charlemagne (742-814)
He became the king of the Franks in 768 and was emperor of the Holy Roman Empire from 800-814.

3.Francisco Pizarro (1471-1541)
He was the Spanish conqueror of the Inca Empire of South America,which was the size of the Roman Empire..
4.Akbar (1542-1605)
He was the greatest Mughal Emperor of India.As for Akbar, four tutors tried, unsuccessfully, to teach him to read. One possible reason is that he had dyslexia.Read:
“Akbar(1542-1605),the Greatest Mughal Emperor of India,Apostate of Islam and Founder of a New Religion”


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