dimanche 15 avril 2012



‘Insane’ husband who stabbed wife 120 times in frenzied killing

walks free from court ...less than a year later

Posted: 14 Apr 2012

Farrukh Malik who was declared insane has been allowed to walk free from court

This man stabbed his wife 120 times and was let out of jail one year later!

I wonder if their descendants were Muhammad’s lawyers after he’d slaughtered hundreds of the Jews of the Banu Qurayza tribe?

Then they surrendered, and the apostle confined them in Medina in the quarter of d. al-Harith, a woman of B. al-Najjar. Then the apostle went out to the market of Medina (which is still its market today) and dug trenches in it. Then he sent for them and struck off their heads in those trenches as they were brought out to him in batches. Among them was the enemy of Allah Huyayy b. Akhtab and Ka`b b. Asad their chief. There were 600 or 700 in all, though some put the figure as high as 800 or 900. As they were being taken out in batches to the apostle they asked Ka`b what he thought would be done with them. He replied, ‘Will you never understand? Don’t you see that the summoner never stops and those who are taken away do not return? By Allah it is death!’ This went on until the apostle made an end of them.” – Ibn Ishaq, p.464.

A killer declared insane after stabbing his wife to death less than a year ago walked free after a court heard he has recovered.

Farrukh Malik knifed Sarwat, his partner of 37 years, more than 120 times during the frenzied attack at their north London home after suffering ‘depressive psychosis’ following the death of his mother.

But the 66-year-old accountant, who is now living with his brother in Slough, Berkshire, was set free after a judge ruled he had no power to detain him because of medical reports which state he is no longer a danger.

The fears of one psychiatrist, who warned his condition could deteriorate again, were set aside after two other doctors said he was a low risk.

Malik a father-of-two, must continue with medical treatment for the next two years.

Setting him free, Judge Gerald Gordon stressed the order was ‘not a punishment’.

‘There is only one reason for making these requirements, and it’s to ensure that you do not become unwell again,’ he said.

‘There is no legal basis that would enable me to make a hospital order.

‘If there is any indication that you are, the appropriate action can be taken before anything, let alone the tragic events that did happen, can happen.

‘The family will play an important part in keeping an eye on you on a day-to-day basis.’

Referring to the dissenting psychiatrist, he added: ‘Clearly one has to be very careful when a doctor raises such concerns, but it is still outweighed by the evidence seen in the court.’

Pakistan-born Malik, who admitted carrying out the killing, was unanimously cleared of murder by reason of insanity following a two-day trial at the Old Bailey last December. Prosecutors did not challenge the defence.

Jurors cleared him of murder after two psychiatrists said he was suffering paranoid delusions at the time and did not have control over his actions.

Since his arrest, he has undergone eight rounds of electroconvulsive therapy and is said to be responding to the treatment.

The court heard how he had a ‘good and happy’ relationship with his wife, a playground assistant, and later refused to believe that he had killed her at their north London home.

Malik was in Pakistan in February when his mother died, the court heard.

Following his return to the UK, he suffered a series of health problems including a heart attack and insomnia, before plunging into a deep depression and later threatening to kill himself.

On the morning of June 20, Sarwat, 60, and daughter-in-law Sara, 23, were with him in the kitchen of the family home in Finchley.

At his trial last December, prosecutor Philip Bennetts QC said: ‘Sara saw the defendant pick up a blunt cake knife.

‘He looked at it with a blank expression and appeared to be examining it.

‘At around 11am the deceased telephoned Malik’s doctor from the living room, and sounded distressed and worried.

‘She said “you have to do something immediately”, but the defendant took the phone and said words to the effect of “no, I’m fine – my wife is fed up with me, she’s trying to get rid of me.

“Do not send anybody.”‘

Just seconds after hanging up, Sarwat followed her husband into the kitchen and asked him what he was doing.

‘The defendant replied that he was looking for something sharp,’ said Mr Bennetts.

‘He went to the draining board and picked up a vegetable knife.’

Grabbing his wife he brought the six-inch blade up to her throat and began slashing frantically.

Sara moved to intervene but then turned and ran after the killer pointed the knife at her.

Following the attack he went to the front door of the property, still clutching the bloodstained knife, and stood in the doorway with a ‘vacant’ expression.

While in police custody later that day, he told a doctor: ‘I think I tried to kill her.’

‘The defendant appeared to be unable to understand anything but the most simple questions,’ said Mr Bennetts.

‘He alternated between nodding regularly at the officer questioning him and looking away.

‘On the few occasions he engaged with a question, the defendant said he loved the deceased and that she was caring and gentle.

‘Whilst he appeared to appreciate that he had been found with a knife in his hand and that he had been arrested on suspicion of murder, he repeatedly said he did not know what had happened or why it happened.’

A pathologist later found around 120 stab wounds to his victim’s body, including five ‘extensive’ injuries to her neck.



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