More Allen West on jihad and sharia (video)
(cliquez pour la vidéo)by creepingsharia
Recently elected U.S. Congressman from Florida, retired Lt. Colonel Allen West, hat tip New Zeal blog (ps: how does a New Zealand blog get this while U.S. media ignores?).
Brutal honesty like this will drive the leftists more insane, and the terms West and 2012 will be heard more frequently.…we can not allow them to come in to our country and proselytize in their mosques and talking about overthrowing our government, our constitutional democracy, saying they want to replace it with sharia, and then we say that’s ok, that’s freedom of speech, that’s freedom of religion; that’s not, that’s sedition…this is not going away…there are two ways you end the war…you win or you lose…
How do you fight against a guy who is willing to die, you grant him his wish, ok…you kill these guys… ~ Allen West
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