dimanche 22 novembre 2009


The flagship magazine of the British National Party, Identity is 28 pages of glossy full-colour quality.

Edited by nationalist veteran John Bean, ID was founded in 2000 to provide the BNP with its own in-house monthly journal of ideas and in-depth analysis of current affairs. Regular features include an incisive article by BNP leader Nick Griffin, John Bean’s editorial and Nationalist Notebook, and articles by a wide range of talented writers.

ID combines the lively design style of a modern mainstream newsagents’ magazine with a mixture of shorter features and intellectually heavyweight articles. Strategy, culture, policy debate, history and current affairs are all covered. There’s something for everyone, although the target audience is well educated, professional and serious about building the unique blend of principle and winning realism that is the modern BNP.

We are currently building an online archive of the most important articles in all issues right back to ID Number 1. This is a huge educational resource, with enormous potential for the ‘fast-tracking’ that turns keen self-motivated new recruits into fully fledged and well-informed nationalists.

We’re sure that newcomers and old hands alike will enjoy and benefit from discovering or rediscovering the wealth of top-rate writing in ID online here.

Write to us:

Identity Magazine
PO Box 17
LL68 8AB.

Subscribe to Identity:

  • British Isles: £35.00
  • Unsealed air mail Europe: £46.40
  • Unsealed air mail, Middle East, Africa, N&S America: £53.70
  • Unsealed air mail Australasia, Far East: £53.70
(www.bnp.org.uk) =============================

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