samedi 3 septembre 2011

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8/31/11 Pakistan (CDN) Two Pakistani Christians Seriously Injured for Refusing Islam -

Liaqat Munawar, a Pakistani Christian, reported that his brother Ishfaq Munawar and his friend Naeem Masih were attacked by Pashtun youth in Karachi, Pakistan. Ishfaq and Naeem were traveling home from a church service when they were flagged down by a group of Pashtun youth. The youth questioned their identities and why they were traveling through the town. When they discovered Ishfaq and Naeem were Chrsitians, they told them to recite the Kalma (the Islamic Conversion Creed) and that this was the only way they would leave the town alive. When they refused to read the Kalma, the Pashtun youth rammed their car into Ishfaq and Naeem, and then proceeded to beat them with iron rods. Both youth lost consciousness, and suffered a broken jaw, five broken teeth and several other injuries between them. Full Story

Pray for Ishfaq and Naeem’s recovery.
Pray that Muslim Pakistani youth will no longer be indoctrinated into inciting violence.
Pray for the small percentage of Pakistan’s population that continue to profess Christianity.
8/29/11 Norway (ANS) Muslim Asylum Seekers in Norway Attack a Christian Convert with Boiling Water -

Sharing his story under the pseudonym “Ali,” an ex-Muslim immigrant seeking asylum reports he was attacked by men at the asylum reception center. After being confronted about his failure to participate in Ramadan fasting, the attackers struck him in the head with a pot of boiling water. Ali suffered burns on his back and face and spent the night in the hospital. Upon returning to the center, he discovered that the attackers had also covered his doorknob with acid, causing burns on his hands as well. Ali fears that these men are out to kill him and will succeed. Full Story

Pray for Ali’s safety.
Pray that Ali is granted asylum and is soon able to leave the reception center.
8/29/11 Egypt (MEMRI) Egyptian Islamic Jihad Official: If we come to power we will launch Islamic conquest to instate Sharia and "exterminate" Christians if they cause problems -
A senior official in the Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ) shared that the group plans to enforce Sharia law across Egypt and, eventually, the world. The leader, Sheikh ‘Adel Shehato, has been imprisoned since 1991 but was recently released in the wake of the Egyptian revolution. Shehato feels that the Arab presence in Egypt needs to be overthrown and that democratic rule (the faith of “Jews and Christians”) must be opposed. Although Shehato says that Sharia law will be spread through preaching, he threatens that the EIJ will wage war against those who oppose Islamic law. Full Story

Pray that the EIJ will not take hold in Egypt.
Pray that Sharia law is not instated in Egypt.
Pray that the political group that eventually comes to power in Egypt will seek to protect minorities from religious persecution.
8/29/11 Bangladesh (CDN) Church Leaders in Bangladesh Beaten at Police Station -

Two elder church leaders were beaten in police headquarters in the district of Gopalgan in Bangladesh. A parishioner was seeking police intervention after the son of an activist in the local ruling party illegally began occupying his home; the elders, Onukul Biswas and Mitul Bawa, accompanied the man to the station. While there, Biswas and Bawa were shoved and punched by the ruling party members – they received no protection or intervention from the police. In response, 250 to 300 Christians gathered to peacefully demonstrate; they also sent a letter to the district chief, who has promised to resolve the incident within the week. The Christian community, however, continues to feel shamed and vulnerable. Full Story

Pray for the return of the church member’s property.
Pray for the police to protect the Bangladeshi religious minoirites.
8/29/11 Nepal (ChristianPost) Nepali Terrorist Experiences Love of Christ in Prison -
Ram Prasad Mainali has been imprisoned since 2009, when a church bombing he organized resulted in three deaths. Before imprisonment, Mainali led the Nepal Defense Army (NDA), a group that seeks to re-establish Nepal as a Hindu nation, and has been responsible for bombing several Christian and Muslim houses of worship. Mainali reports that, in 2010, the compassion he received from Christians compelled him to read the Bible. He says that, while no right-wing Hindu members have come to visit him, Christians come to see him every day. Possibly in response to this change of heart, Mainali and other NDA leaders are now negotiating with the Nepal government to establish the NDA as a political organization in exchange for surrendering their weapons. Nevertheless, though Mainali’s perspective appears to have shifted slightly, Christians are concerned that his release will signal the reinvigoration of the NDA and an increase in religious persecution. Full Story
Pray that Mainali accepts Christ.
Pray that the NDA will shift their focus away from attacking Christians and Muslims.
8/26/11 India (AsiaNews) Hindu Nationals and Police Target Christians -

Police in the Southwestern Indian state of Karnataka have begun demanding detailed reports of registration, contributions and spending habits of several churches. Though the requests are a clear violation of the secular state (and unwarranted given that there have never been any recorded incidents at these places of worship), the Hindu nationalist government continues to allow the inquiries. Pastors feel the requests are unjustified and call undue attention to an “already fragile Christian community”. Full Story

Pray that Christian leaders and places of worship will no longer be under scrutiny.
Pray that the Indian government enforces the laws of a secular state and prohibits the invasive inquiries.
8/26/11 Nigeria (CDN) Twenty-four Killed in Series of Attacks Against Christian Communities in Nigeria -
Between August 11th and August 21st, 24 Christians were killed during attacks on several villages in Nigeria. While the attacks were initiated by Muslim extremists, several witnesses report seeing the Special Task Force (STF) unit engage in the attacks with the Muslims. The STF unit is designed to stop sectarian attacks; however, residents are fearful that the army is now participating in the attacks instead of offering protection. One story recounts a man who was called out of his home by the STF to help protect the Christian villages; he was then gunned down in front of his house. Despite these reports, the army has not attempted to dispute the accusations. Full Story

Pray that the army officials will intervene in the STF’s apparent acts of religious persecution. Pray that true protection will be offered to Christians and other religious minorities.
Pray that the wave of attacks in Nigeria will cease.
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