mercredi 27 avril 2011

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Dear jean-pierre,

Google-owned Android Marketplace currently has an app for sale called "Dog Wars," which, believe it or not, glamorizes dogfighting and encourages people to participate in a digital version of this blood "sport."

Who doesn't know by now that dogs used for fighting are kept penned or chained (often with heavy logging chains) and that many are taunted and starved in order to trigger extreme survival instincts and aggression?

Dogfighters train dogs by forcing them to tread water in pools; run on a treadmill while a caged rabbit, cat, or chicken or another terrified animal is dangled in front of them; or hang on with their jaws while dangling from a chain baited with meat. Many dogs are injected with steroids, and some dogfighters even sharpen their dogs' teeth, cut off their ears (to prevent another dog from latching on), and add roach poison to their food so that their fur might taste bad to other dogs.

In the "pit" where these bloody events take place, sticks are used to pry apart the dogs, who clamp down so fiercely that it is not uncommon for dogs to bite through their own lips. Dogs are encouraged to fight to the death, and the fight can go on for hours—until both dogs are exhausted and at least one is seriously injured or dead. Many of the dogs who do not fight or who lose fights are used as "bait animals."

A Louisiana state police officer who conducts dogfighting investigations said, "When you go to where these fights have happened, you'll find a couple of dog corpses or a pit full of blood."

Please contact Google right now and ask the company to remove the Dog Wars app immediately.

Thanks for all that you do for animals, and don't forget to share this information with your family and friends!


Tracy Reiman
Executive Vice President
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

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