vendredi 20 avril 2012

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04/10/2012 United States (Christianity Today) Student Coalition Opposes Vanderbilt University Policy Forcing Christian Groups To Accept Non-Christian Leaders- 

Eleven religious student groups at Vanderbilt University have united to reapply for registered status in the school, even though their religious requirements for leaders violate Vanderbilt’s non-discrimination policy. The coalition, calling itself "Vanderbilt Solidarity," said in a statement that each organization “is a faith-based group dedicated to sharing the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ on campus. As such, we simply cannot allow those who do not share our faith to lead our ministries, as Vanderbilt now demands.” Last fall, Vanderbilt placed several faith-based groups on provisional status for being noncompliant with its non-discrimination policy, Christianity Today reported.

Pray that Vanderbilt officials provide an exemption to religious organizations on campus of the policy.
Pray that other student organizations rally around Vanderbilt Solidarity in protest of this discriminatory policy.
Pray that these organizations are able to preach the name of Jesus despite the disturbance of this policy.
04/13/2012 Laos (HRWLRF) Police Ambush And Bar Worship Service in Laos- 

Six Songkorn district officials ambushed a church worship service in a Laos village, arrested the church leader, Pastor Khamsorn, and barred Christians from holding any more church services at that location. Later, Pastor Khamsorn was released after he was threatened and then coerced to sign a document to discontinue church services. These officials, including a Songkorn district police official, the newly elected Paksong village chief, and sub-district police and unnamed officials, claimed that Paksong Christians did not receive an approval to hold worship services.

Pray that this church will be once again able to worship freely.
Pray that Pastor Khamsorn and the rest of the congregation avoid any future harassment.
Pray that God uses this church to start a revival in their village.
File:Flag of Mali.svg04/14/2012 United Kingdom (Christian Today) UK Church Leader: Christians In Britain Are Being ‘Vilified’- 

In a submission to the European Court of Human Rights, Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, said that Christians are being “vilified” by the state and face termination from their jobs for their faith. His appeal was made in connection to the cases of four British Christians who have experienced disciplinary action in the workplace for expressing their faith. In the submission seen by the Daily Telegraph, Lord Carey said there was a “drive to remove Judaeo-Christian values from the public square” and that some believers were being treated as “bigots.” “In a country where Christians can be sacked for manifesting their faith, are vilified by State bodies, are in fear of reprisal or even arrest for expressing their views on sexual ethics, something is very wrong,” he said.

Pray that the four ongoing cases would be resolved in favor of religious freedom.
Pray that Christians in the UK become bold to oppose this discrimination.
Pray that discrimination in the UK decreases rather than increases.
04/17/2012 Turkey (Christianity Today) Turkey: Hopes for Religious Equality Under New Constitution-
Christians in Turkey are hoping that the country’s new constitution will guarantee the same rights for them as for Muslims. A commission was recently set up by the Turkish parliament and tasked with writing up the country’s sixth constitution; a first draft is expected by June. Christians were invited this week by the commission to present their views on the new constitution, alongside representatives of other minority groups. “We hope that the new constitution will highlight freedom,” said Patriarch Yusuf Sag, leader of the Syrian Catholic Church in Turkey.

Pray that this new consititution respects the religious freedoms of all people in Turkey.
Pray that the Turkish Christian church rises up in support of religious freedom.
Pray that God uses the Turkish church to spark change within Turkey.
4/17/2012 Iran (ACLJ) Iranian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani Sees His Family-
Our sources in Iran have confirmed that Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani was allowed to see his entire family on his birthday. This was a rare family reunion in the jail where he has been held for more than two and a half years since he was arrested for questioning the Muslim indoctrination of his children and later charged and convicted of apostasy. Pastor Youcef has been facing execution for apostacy for weeks now.

Pray God that Pastor Youcef was able to spend his birthday with his family.
Pray that Pastor Youcef would soon be released from his imprisonment.
Pray that Pastor Youcef's family would be strengthened while he is in prison.
File:Flag of Syria.svg04/18/2012 Nigeria (VOA) US Warns of Potential Attack by Anti-Christian Group in Nigeria-
The United States has warned US citizens in Nigeria that the radical Islamist sect Boko Haram may be planning attacks in the Nigerian capital of Abuja. The U.S. embassy issued an emergency message saying attacks could target hotels used by Westerners, but that the timing was unknown. The alert said the Nigerian government was aware of the threat and is “actively implementing security measures.” The embassy cautioned citizens to be especially aware of their security near Nigerian government facilities, diplomatic missions, large gathering places, markets and places of worship.
Pray for the saftey of all people in Abjua.
Pray that Boko Haram faces punishment for the many crimes they committed over the years.
Pray that God provides peace for those in Nigeria during this threat.
File:Flag of Kuwait.svg04/20/2012 India (Barnabas Aid) Christian Children Threatened and Abused in Series of Attacks in India-
Christian children were chased by knife-wielding Muslims who threatened to kill them. An Indian pastor had chili powder thrown in his eyes by Hindu extremists who gagged and bound his son. These are just two of a number of violent anti-Christian incidents that took place in India over the last three weeks. Around 100 radical Muslims forced their way into a prayer meeting at a Christian couple’s home in Nutangram village, West Bengal state on March 30. They beat up a number of the Christian men and women, and chased them all, carrying a knives. The Muslims threatened to kill the Christians, and as the latter ran for their lives, the children were crying in fear; their attempts to escape were blocked by the Muslims, who physically and verbally assaulted them. A crowd of around 500 Muslims watched in amusement as the Christians were tormented in this manner for around an hour and a half.

Pray that these Indian Christians find strength in God during this persecution.
Pray for safety in India.
Pray that the Muslim and Hindu attackers are introduced to God's love.
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