lundi 12 mars 2012

News and Prayer for the Persecuted
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2/29/2012 Laos (Barnabas Fund) Lao Pastor Jailed for Christian Activities Set Free After Nearly Thirteen Years-
Bounchan Kanthavong was arrested in 1997 for alleged acts of treason and sedition. Kanthavong owned a clothing shop before he was incarcerated. He shared the Gospel with those who visited his shop, reportedly leading seventy people to Christ. Although seemingly benign, Lao officials viewed Kanthavong as a traitor advocating a religion that opposed the traditional Lao religion of spirit worship. As a result, he was jailed on treason charges. As of February 2nd, Kanthavong was released.
Pray for Kanthavong’s smooth transition back into a normal life and safety in his village.
Pray for his continued commitment to sharing his faith with others.
Praise God for Kanthavong's faithfulness and release.
3/1/2012 Iran (Fox News) Congress Condemns Iran for Sentencing Christian Pastor to Death-
House Resolution 556, drafted by Pennsylvania Republican Joseph Pitts, condemns Iran for sentencing Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani to death. Pastor Nadarkhani was sentenced under Iran’s controversial blasphemy laws. Representative Pitts argues that this sentence violates the United Nations agreements Iran has signed committing them to upholding religious and political freedoms. Resolution 556 implores Iran to release Pastor Nadarkhani as well as any others detained or charged for religious or political beliefs. This focus on Iran is particularly resonant as international struggles continue between the U.S. and Iran.
Pray for Pastor Nadarkhani’s safe release.
Pray for resolution to the international conflicts between Iran and other countries.
Pray for Pastor Nadarkhani's wife and children during his imprisonment.
3/1/2012 United States (Charisma News) UNC Wants Christian Club to Let Unbelievers Lead-
The “Make Up Your Own Mind” club at the University of North Carolina–Greensboro has filed a lawsuit against the University for failing to grant the group formal recognition on campus. The University has argued that the club is not religious but is affiliated with a non-profit organization, and as such the club must allow students from other belief systems to join and lead. The club has reportedly submitted several requests to gain recognition as a religious club in the past, even pointing out specifically religious statements in its constitution. The club also argues that several other groups on campus have been recognized as religious groups even though they are not affiliated with a church. The “Make Up Your Own Mind Club” has since filed a lawsuit against UNCG.
Pray that the group would be allowed to meet and maintain their beliefs.
Pray that the outcome of the lawsuit would be in the group’s favor.
Pray that the group continues being bold in their faith on the campus.
3/2/2012 Laos (HRWLRF) Officials in Northern Laos Demand Christians Denounce Faith or be Expelled-
The Heygong village chief in the Pakoo district in Laos has ordered the expulsion of ten Christian families from the village. Officials in the district have decreed that individuals wishing to practice Christianity must first be approved by the district chief and secretary of the Communist party of the district. However, despite this ordinance that seemingly permits regulated Christianity, officials have shown that they do not intend to acknowledge Christians as they have ordered the expulsion of ten local families. The families have until March 18th to denounce Christianity or they face removal from the village.
Pray for the strength of the persecuted families.
Pray that the officials would permit Christians to remain in the villages.
Pray that God makes himself known among that village.
3/2/2012 Pakistan (The Times of India) Pakistani Christian Woman Tortured, Paraded in Streets for 'Anti-Islam' Views-
On February 26th, Seema Bibi was reportedly dragged through the streets of Kot Meerath village in Pakistan for her alleged “anti-Islam” views. A mob of nearly 30 village residents shaved Bibi’s head and paraded her through the streets. A fellow villager shared that Bibi and her family have been receiving threats from a group of extremist villagers. Though twenty-six of the residents have since been charged for the assault, Bibi and her family have fled the village for the safety of their lives.
Pray for the conversion of those who tortured Seema Bibi and her family.
Pray for the safety of Seema Bibi and her family.
Pray that officials would not ignore this act of religious persecution.
3/5/2012 Nigeria (IBTimes) Boko Haram Declares War on Christians-
Boko Haram, a militant Islamic group whose name roughly translates to “Western education is sacrilege”, has declared war on Christians living in northern Nigeria. Boko Haram has perpetrated several attacks on Nigerian Christians, killing nearly 1,000 people since 2009. The group says that they will not be satisfied until they have annihilated the Christian presence in the northern part of the country. The group is also targeting government structure and security forces, hoping to abolish the secular status of Nigeria and enforce Sharia law.

Full Story
Pray for Christians in Nigeria and surrounding countries.
Pray for peace across Nigeria.
Pray for wisdom and strength for the government to protect its citizens and make the right decisions.
3/6/2012 China (ONN) Church in China Sees Dozens Come to Christ-
Amidst reports of persecution and governmental oppression in China, one pastor shares that many are coming to Christ through less than conventional methods. He shares the story of one pastor who has rented out hotel ballrooms and asked each of his church members to bring a non-Christian friend. He notes that 60 accepted Christ from one of these events. Another pastor shares that, despite government oppression, he’s baptized 200 new believers. The pastors acknowledge that their actions may be considered illegal; however, they continue to evangelize, understanding that the authorities may intervene at any time. In times of global persecution, such accounts of continued faith and service are encouraging.
Pray for continued ministry and sharing of the Gospel across China.
Pray for the safety and growth of the house churches meeting secretly throughout the country.
Praise God for the number of people coming to know Him.
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