mercredi 14 septembre 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

Compilation of Videos on the Threat of Islam

The Threat of Islam:

Shawn J. Savage

I have compiled this list of video clips from the Internet about Islam.

It took me long hours of viewing to decide what was good. I chose these clips and films based on their honest assessment of the threat that the world now faces from Islam.

I encourage you to look at them and forward the link to your friends and family. Some of these are long but all are good and worth the time. If you are not already a convert to the growing group of concerned Christians, Jews, and freedom loving people all over the world who are alarmed by Islamic jihad, you will be after watching these films.

There is no hate or propaganda in any of them. Unless of course you believe that telling the truth is propaganda and you are still convinced that Islam is “just another religion.”

These are the sort of ideas the West should be expressing every minute of every day. We need to wake up from our suicidal, multi-culturist, and relativistic slumber and do something about this threat before our religion, culture, and freedom are overwhelmed by the evils of Islam.

Links are followed by the title and a brief description:

1. “Islam: What the West Needs to Know.” Long but compelling video, really a full-length documentary. If you want to understand Islamic theology then start here. Facts and scholarship face up to Islamic nonsense. Guess who wins?

2. Brigitte Gabriel Interview. Lebanese Christian talks about the war in Lebanon and Israel and how Jews made her see what humanity really is.

3. Rubbish People. This is how Christians are treated in Egypt. Interesting. Keep in Mind these people have been in Egypt 600 years longer than Muslims.

4. Blaming the Jews. An examination of the "new" Islamic anti-Semitism.

5. Undercover Mosque. Scary! This is what happens in mosques all over the world. At the mosque down the street from you perhaps.

6. Will Israel Bomb Iran?-I hope so. BBC TV.

7. Syria: Islam's Rising Star. Syria is no longer a secular dictatorship; it is courting Islamists. Dangerous move.

8. Sects and the City (Beirut). Helps understand the situation in Lebanon

9. Le Mystere Hezbollah (In French). There are a few advertisements before the documentary starts. The ham commercials and the near-naked woman are a nice touch. Unintentional irony.

10. Fake Pallywood-Part I. How Palestinians stage the news. Excellent. Exposes how the media works in the PA.

11. Fake Pallywood-Part II

12. Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West
This is the full-length version. Perhaps the best thing done on the global jihad to date.

13. Failure of Violent Jihad. This clip shows how jihad can fail using Algeria as an example.

14. The War on Britain's Jews. This examines the sharp rise in anti-Semitism in Britain in recent years.

15. Jihad against the West. Three public intellectuals lecture on the threat of Islam to Europe and the US. Robert Spencer, Melanie Phillips and Douglas Murray.

16. Jihad has come to Europe. This clip exposes jihad coming from Bosnia. Very harsh viewing. Parental discretion advised.

17. Islamization of Europe-Part I. Stolid piece of Journalism. Free Speech, sex, freedom, homosexuality, integration: Forget about it Europe.

18. Islamization of Europe-Part II.

19. Islamization of Europe- Part III

20. Geert Wilders Interview on Danish TV-This is the Dutchman who made Fitna.

21. True Stories of Muslim Women-Three women talk about Islam and the position of women. Very sad but powerful stuff. Wafa Sultan, et al.

22. Jews Undercover-Iran. Good journalism. Jews in Iran today. Islamic toleration of minorities. Ain’t it grand?

23. Ayaan Hirsi Ali-Interview in Aspen, CO. This is a very smart discussion. She has a lot to say about Islam and we all should be listening to her.

24. Out in Iran-This is what happens to gays in Iran. Over 4,000 gays have been executed in Iran since the revolution. So much for the “religion of peace.”

25. Dispatches-Unholy War. Muslim converts to Christianity are harassed and attacked in Britain. But wait…I thought there was no compulsion in religion in Islam. I am confused.

26. Beneath the Veil. Women in Afganistan.

27. House of Saud.

28. Showdown with Iran.

29. Beslan. This documentary mentions Islam in passing but it is Islamic terrorism nonetheless.

30. The Armenian Genocide. This is the sort of thing that would drive a Turk mad. The truth hurts.

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